

Taking a PartTime Job Nowadays社会经验英语, many people think that college students should take a parttime job for several advantages For one thing社会经验英语, it gives the students a chance to know the society to learn to社会经验英语;学生们被要求步入社会,并且去感悟这个社会可以确定的是,社会实践是具有多方面的优势的首先,社会实践可为学生提供接触社会及与各种不同的人相交流的机会从这个方面来说,学生们可以获得一些宝贵的社会经验,这些经验对于。

关于朱国庆的问题,社会经验英语他是是说资格比较重要,特别是英语作文当中,缺少这个是非常重要的;tom learning and social experience which one is important?jack all important read more, walk more Organic combination If you have already graduated, you will find it practical to use books, social aids。

As he is still young,getting more social experience will make him more promising;Althuogh he is young,skill has a lot of experience in the society。



因为我认为这些爱好不仅可以放松自己,而且还可以增长我们的知识和社会经验 Because I think these hobbies not only relax, but also increase our knowledge and social experience。

因为我对英语很感兴趣,也想借此锻炼我的能力,增加社会经验 Because I am interested in English, also want to improve my ability through it, and increase social experience。

salted 英 #39slt?dadj 盐腌的有经验的 skilled 英 sk?ldadj 熟练的有技能的需要技能的 问题二英语有经验的怎么说 salted,ex川erienced,的都是形容词,salted有些非正式的说法 experinced比较。

In three years accumulate the social experience, the development field of vision, success reforming, the enhancement team cooperation In five years maintain warm and seek the more appropriate own method of work。

first one But in the holiday break, but also to understand the community, understand the interpersonal relationships Also, sports, music, handwork, etc, are used as items to improve their own quality。


社会经验 Social experience 社会实践Social practice南京租房市场调研将专业所学市场调研运用于实践当中,在暑期对南京的租房市场进行调研和数据统计分析,找到促进房租市场合理,健康发展的道路,提出有意义的建议并将调研。

he has little concept of law and lack social experience!我觉得也可以,毕竟语言这东西很活的。


手工翻译如下 Because I think these hobbies can not only relax myself and enrich my social experience, but also increase my knowledge。




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