

1、quot谢谢光临,慢走quot英文Thank you for coming Walk slowlyslowly 读法 英 #712sl#601#650li 美 #712slo#650liadv慢速地缓慢地迟缓地 短语slowly but surely 稳扎稳打,踏实的 示例。

2、欢迎请再光临,一般不用visit有些店说,welcome back again 欢迎再次光临其实这是错句也不说welcome back,因为那时再次见到人家的时候说的慢走Walk safe英语中在口语里最接近的恐怕是walk safe安全走路take care。

3、问题二谢谢光临请慢走英语怎么说 Thank you for ing 最好是用在别人道访谢谢光临请慢走用英语怎么说你家的时后说 在餐厅里说谢谢光临很憋捏,和英文里对顾客不说慢走 可以说Thank you and e again 谢谢, 下次在来 Thank you and have。

4、谢谢光临请慢走,欢迎下次光临 Thank you to please take care, welcome to you next time next 英nekst 美n#603kstadj 紧接在后的 次于的 贴近的 紧邻的adv 接下去 然后 居后地。

5、6谢谢光临,请慢走 Thanks for coming,take care谢谢光临请慢走用英语怎么说!7好的,请稍等Ok, just a moment8因为厨房订单比较多,让您等了这么长时间,请多包涵Because there are too many orders, sorry to keep you waiting so。

6、1谢谢光临,请慢走请慢用 Thanks for coming Enjoy pleaseWalk carefully please2请问你在这里吃还是外带打包 Would you like to eat here or pack to go?3你点的餐都齐了,一共是45块钱,收你50块钱。

7、Thank y ou for your coming,Please take your personal belongings,Welcome to you next time。

8、enjoyyourself 是在找商店里买东西用的英语吗? 道别时常用语 1Thankyouforshopping谢谢惠顾 2Hopetoseeyouagain欢迎下次光临 3HaveagoodtimeinWuHanpiaza祝您在武广购物愉快 4Goodbyeandgoodluck再见,祝你好运 5。

9、9 May I take your order? Well, wait a moment , will you? 要点菜吗好的,请稍等10 Thank you for your purchase Mind your steps 谢谢光临,请慢走有多种表达法呢,祝开心,望采纳哦。

10、宾馆用语在宾馆门口 1Welcome to our hotel欢迎光临2So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage您一共带了4件行李,是不是3Let me have a check again让我再看一下4The Reception Desk。

11、Excuse me, Excuse me Beware Please take your belongings 不好意思,打扰一下请当心 请带好随身物品Thank you for coming, please walking Huan, Ying next visit谢谢光临,请慢走欢,迎下次光临···。

12、欢迎光临”Welcome “谢谢光临 Thanks for your visiting。

13、1HelloPlease feel free to look around2All the goods in our store are made in leather 3 Anything you like, you can try it 4If you feel belt too long,we can make it suitable for you 5。


14、中午好,先生,欢迎光临佛山电子宾馆 Good evening, Ms May I help you?晚上好,小姐,请问我能为您服务吗后面也可以接上自己酒店名称部门名称,如Good morning, sir This is the Front Desk May I help you。

15、您慢走是我们中国常说的话 其实就是再见或者保重而欢迎再次光临,是许多店家常用的话 这里可以直译 所以,合一起Goodbye!Take care!We‘d love your next presence。

16、 what can I help you? Yes, you have the most popular this year the clothes? This a few is, they look very suitable for you 2, this cardigan looks very good appearance, may I try it on? Of。



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