

1、bedroom英#39bedru#720mr#650m美#39b#603drumbedroom造句如下The moon came out from behind a cloud and illuminated the bedroom月光透过云层照亮了卧室Let #39 s see次卧英语,you don #39 t want a two。

2、卧室又被称作卧房睡房次卧英语,分为主卧和次卧,是供人在其内睡觉休息或进行性活动的房间那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧卧室英语单词1bedroom 卧室英语单词2houseroom 卧室的英语例句八间卧室共用一间浴室T。

3、画一张卧室的画上面写英语Draw a picture of the bedroom and write on it拓展知识 卧室是现有家庭生活中必有需求之一是供居住者在其内睡觉休息或进行性活动的房间卧室又被称作卧房睡房,分为主卧和次卧。


5、1洗衣机发生故障,没法洗衣服了1The washing machine is broken,it can#39t wash the clothes2客厅和次卧,有窗帘钩脱落了2Some of the curtain hooks fell off in the sitting room and subaltern。

6、Room 202, the gate Gate outside light is broken, kitchen lamp broke, living room lamp and candle light is not litCi Wei#39s toilet jammedAir conditioning in bedroom is out of order, no refrigeration。

7、This section of design very suitable population also unceasingly to be increasing the family, the shape anomalous corridor the official living room and the dining room will separate, this regarding wants, in the。

8、1原文大门门锁没电了,要换电池和重新做门锁程序译文The door lock has no electricity, to change the battery and back door procedure2原文次卧有个灯不亮了译文Ciwo a lamp does not light3原文。

9、1 to electric toilet line 2 door card failure, the door wouldn#39t open 3 TV ark cupboard of sitting room and second lie wardrobe mirror door, are open and shut down 4 between the kitchen and tea on。

10、2主卫的窗帘钩坏了 Curtain hook main Wei is broken 3次卫的墙纸脱落了 Guardian wallpaper off 4楼上次卧有只灯不亮了 Upstairs Ciwo a lamp does not light5主卧的窗帘卡住,拉不动了 The mas。

11、房间名称有哪些 起居室,餐厅,主卧,次卧,洗手间,步进式衣帽间,书房,飘窗,工人房,储藏室,中式厨房,西式厨房,娱乐室,儿童房,会客室等等,建议你买本专业书籍系统学习复古房间取名 花开富贵 福寿齐天 金玉满堂。



13、次卧的那对情侣,男生在技术公司上班,女孩是个职业学校的老师,只有周末过来那个男生经常到福建女孩的隔断里聊天,他女朋友似乎感觉到了什么,所以对这个福建女孩很是冷淡 福建女孩似乎没有特别努力在找工作,经常窝在隔断间里看电影听。

14、我的次卧比你的办公环境好 5什么情况下适合选择1688网络? 适合哪些人使用? 1在夜市摆摊设点,设立义乌小商品2元店5元店10元店等旅游景点 2微信业务,淘宝,朋友圈,代理 90%的微商都是玩空手套白狼,根本没有实物。

15、Through to the owner and the door model analysis understands, this door ventilated daylighting is good, only to kitchen door to shift the demolition, to avoid the toilet with the kitchen door to death Then。

标签: 次卧英语



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