

过程比结果更重要英语作文 process is more important than a resultwhich is more important,result or process?there is no doubt that anyone expects a good result when doing somethinghower,sometimes we have sp。

Percutaneous method of making dumplings 1 And face the most common are wheat flour, buckwheat flour to use in some places With cold water The proportion of surface water four bowl, a bowl of water。


步骤的英语step例句1只有每一逻辑步骤都被其他数学家验证之后,证明才能成立Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted2这一步骤带来了许多严重的后果Th。

问题五过程的英文 procedure 问题六细节用英语怎么写 细节有很多说法,你看看选择你需要的 detailcareful attention to detail对细节的密切注意 minutia“the minutiae of experimental and mathematical procedure”“。

called external precipitation, Direct condensation of water over the mainland, says its steam rainfall precipitation其中前几句可有可无 不想写的话可以不写 中文水循环是多环节的自然过程,全球性的水循环涉及蒸发。



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