

您好Hi,dear sirmadamHello,this is **,it is well known that the north of Shandong are suffering from dust storms attacks all those days,considering this,i#39m here to submit a writing for publication to;欢迎来到CCTV9采访节目,现在我来拜访一下同学们,关于沙尘暴的问题,对于沙尘暴大家有什么看法A沙尘暴对环境造成污染,加剧土地沙漠化B非常的吓人,有强烈的大风C会产生橙色的天空和棕黄色的沙尘D经常发生在。

翻译 被它袭击了山东省北部的沙尘暴的影响很深,我觉得这是植树,我们保护环境的责任这里有过去的许多树,但现在人们破坏森林开发更多领域培养然后,气候变化和荒漠化严重因此,我们应该知道,植树造林,这是我们的责任;there are also air pollution,soil pollution and so onThey have done great harm to human livesFortunately,more and more people have come to realize how serious the problem isThe government has begun to。


Sand dust storm overwhelming tearing in the dark everything Sandstorm incredibly hard, feishazoushi, howling wind, all over the sky yellow sand dancing in the sky, truck bogged down in the quagmire brake;The Sand Storms In recent years the stand storms are becoming more and more critical,which has aroused great concern With the stand storms the air is enshored with sand the stand storms bring much。


1、people cut down trees for wood and farmlandThe forests have goneWhen it rains or the wind blows,the earth is taken awayAs a result, the forest has changed into desertSO sandstorms come into being。

2、The formation of the sandstorm to have the four conditionsOne is the dust on the ground material It is the material basis of form sandstorm2 it is winds This is the power of the formation, is。

3、沙漠飓风与扩散 洪为民 中国现有沙化荒地占国土面积的18%,相当于43个台湾省的面积目前流沙已经逼近北京城的郊外70公里处,沙尘暴的频繁发生,严重危害着人们的安全为了向沙漠要黄金,整治,开发利用沙漠,我们首先。

4、Last weekend,sandstorms have swept across my hometown,polluting the air and disturbing the daily lives of people who looked dirty in their appearance and suffered many kinds of illness including aspiratory。

5、保护环境是我们人类义不容辞的责任,保护环境人人有责,让我们一起携手爱护地球保护环境下面是由我为大家整理的“关于保护环境的英语作文”欢迎阅读,仅供参考,希望对你有所帮助篇一关于保护环境的英语作文 We live。

6、亲手给你改了个,以作参考,如果满意,请尊重我的劳动,适当加分,谢谢I come from Inner MongoliaMy hometown suffered from sand storm seriouslysand storm is really terriblewhen it comes, the sky will。

7、strong wind with large amount of dust blew violently through the roads and streets and over the houses,causing a big economic lossMany cars could not go and many people had to walk。


Everyone knows that there is only one earth,lf we go on destroying her,it won’t be fit for us to live in any longerNow it’s time for us to love her,take good care of her and cure her。




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