

1、小学生英语作文范文我最敬佩的人篇一 When I was in high school最敬佩的人英语作文, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in classHe was a very kind boy最敬佩的人英语作文, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography。

2、篇一我最敬佩的人英语作文 People often said quotThe teacher is hard gardener最敬佩的人英语作文, nurturing us teachers like candles最敬佩的人英语作文, burning their own, warm with us teachers are spring, to the childrens minds into the knowledge of。

3、我最敬佩的人 A person I admire most, he is my father My father is not only to work during the day, but goes to school at night, when you at eight o #39clock at night every day, he left home to。

4、我最敬佩的人 Mother is a worth let me respect My mother of medium height, his forehead with shallow wrinkles, fine eyes, long hair with this light faint scent With a sweet smile, a kindMother often。

5、我最敬佩的人袁隆平英语是Yuan Longping, the person I admire most作文例文如下中国有很多最敬佩的人英语作文了不起的人,从古到今,都很爱国,真让人佩服在众多了不起的中国人中,我认为袁隆平最了不起There are a lot of great。

6、honor, and most of all, be helpful to others This affected me deeply, so I work hard so that someday I could be the man like my father 我最敬佩的人是我的父亲他是一名医生他的工作总是很忙。

7、下面是我精心整理的优秀英语作文我最敬佩的人,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友Everybody has someone in his heart that he admires very much, who may be a scientist, a writer or a musical or a。


9、The Man I Respect Most 我最尊敬的人My father is the man I respect most Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration Once I broke a neighbor#39s window Seeing nobody。

10、英语作文“我最敬佩的人”Grandma is a naturally optimistic person She is nearly 70 years old, weak and ill Heart disease is very seriousI insist on taking medicine and physical therapy every day She。

11、Everybody has someone in his heart that he admires very much, who may be a scientist, a writer or a musical or a movie super star As for the one I admire the most is my dear motherMy mother is。

12、我最敬佩的人我的爸爸,英语作文In my mind, there are many people who admire Beethoven, Buffett and Edison But the person I admire most is my fatherMy father is not tall, but he is very。

13、My mother is the person I admire the most because she has the following good qualities Firstly, she is a tolerant person She will be tolerant to other people’s mistakes including mine When I make a。

14、我敬佩的一个人羽生结弦英语Even if you don ike the Japanese, it#x27shard not to like the Japanese in front ofyou His name is Yuzuru Hanyu He is thegreatest figure skater in the world, a living。




17、and then she went to work She must be very tired that dayMy mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her 我最敬佩的人是我妈妈她长着长长的头发,戴着一副眼镜她有点瘦有点矮,但她真的。

18、The People I Admire Most There are many admirable people around us, such as our parents, teachers, polices and so on But the people I admire most are cleaners Cleaners work hard silently very day to。



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