

1、” Mother’s voice came into my ears。

2、dreams may occur during other stages of sleepHowever,these dreams tend to be much less vivid or memorableDreams can last for a few seconds,or as long as twenty minutesPeople are more likely to remember。

3、Were you sleeping on the floor all the night?” Mother’s voice came into my ears。

4、in it was very clean I went into the water and began to swim“Wake up, XiaoQiang, wake up Oh, my God! Were you sleeping on the floor all the night?” Mother’s voice came into my ears。

5、the whole worldAstonished,i woke upFeeling funny and scared,i went to the washroom and started my day昨晚,我做了一个非常奇怪的梦我梦见上次的数学竞赛成绩相当的差,差得连我那个没复习的朋友都没有比过我非常的生气。

6、Last week I saw a young man giving up his seat to a woman with a baby in her arms on a bus To my great surprise, the woman did not thank the young man on the contrary, she glared at him。

7、the window and ate When I woke up, I found that my mouth still had a sweet smell我做了一个梦,梦见我的正前方有一栋糖果屋,我马上拆下窗户吃了起来醒来后,我还发现我的嘴巴还有一股甜甜的味道。


8、昨晚,我做了一个非常奇怪的梦我梦见上次的数学竞赛成绩相当的差,差得连我那个没复习的朋友都没有比过我非常的生气!可是突然,我做 上了一跳火车当我看见火车马上要撞到另一辆火车的尾巴时,我才发现这跳火车长达整个。

9、大多数人夜晚经常做梦,早上醒来便自语“做了个好奇怪的梦不知道怎么会梦见这个”有时候梦令人毛骨悚然,有时候梦却使愿望成真,还有的时候怪梦会来打扰我们,梦里的世界好像乱七八糟,不知所云In dreams we do。

10、Last night,I had an interesting dreamIn the dream I accidentally got a magic pen with which I could write beautiful charactersThen I join in a competitionWith the pen I got the first placeI became。

11、Last night, I had an interesting dream In the dream I accidentally got a magic pen with which I could write beautiful Chinese characters Then I took part in a calligraphy competition With the help of。



14、她的工程在一个很小的工厂她要我成为最常见的学生,too她爱我我喜欢读?I also like making friendsI wear glassesShe always buys some books for meShe loves me and she is good for meI like singing。

15、我希望他们可以和我分享他们的生活故事,这样我就可以了解一个地方的普通生活 我知道这是一份具有挑战性的工作,但是我相信我能够在工作中表现得很好 如果我的回答对你有帮助,请采纳,谢谢~~ 关于一个大学梦的英语作文 How to reali。

16、一个难忘的梦 昨天晚上,我做了一个奇怪的梦,梦境扑朔迷离,对我来说是个难忘的梦梦境是这样的在广阔的草地上,我乘坐着一匹美丽而又长着翅膀的马儿,飞过了草地,飞过了大海,飞过了高山,又飞过了城市,一直飞到。

17、An Interesting Dream Last night, I had an interesting dream In the dream I accidentally got a magic pen with which I could write beautiful Chinese characters Then I took part in a calligraphy competition。



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