

1、运动英语对话1 A It#39s so warm today! Let#39s go and have some sportsB That great!A I want to play footballB Good idea! I didn#39t play football the whole winterA I don#39t want to miss。

2、1 Do you like to do some work out运动英语对话? No, I want to play badminton 你想不想去作运动啊运动英语对话? 不, 我想打羽毛球大家想到运动, 可能第一个想到运动英语对话的就是 exercise, 但是你会发现在美国更常听到运动英语对话的是 work out 这个。

3、8There is no medicine against death没有长生不老药9Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body读书健脑,运动强身 10Soon learn, soon forgotten学得快,忘得快看过运动英语口语对话的人还。

4、2关于运动的英语情景对话W what#39s your favorite sport?你最爱什么运动Z it#39s hard to say Perhaps swimming is my favorite I like swimming because it helps improve my lung capacity In the scorching。

5、篇一关于运动的两人英语口语对话 W what#39s your favorite sport?你爱什么运动?Z it#39s hard to say Perhaps swimming is my favorite I like swimming because it helps improve my lung capacity In the sc。

6、有关运动的简单英语对话篇1 AHey, Tom, what to go for a run?嘿,汤姆,去跑跑步怎么样?BNo thanks I like to run in the morning I ran a couple of miles when I woke up today不了,谢谢你。

7、下面我为大家整理的有关运动的 英语情景对话 ,希望能对大家的学习有所帮助!情景对话1A Would you like to go running?B I#39d enjoy that Where would you like to go?A We could go to the park。

8、关于最喜欢的运动英语对话篇一 ASay, what#39s you favorite sport?嘿,你最喜欢的运动是什么?BHmmm, it#39s hard to say I like golf a lotbut I guess like skating better嗯,这很难说我很喜欢。

9、关于喜欢运动的英语对话一 AAhhWhat a fine day!I do feel like an outdoor exercise啊哈hellip天气真好!我想做一下户外运动BHow about taking a walk in the park?去公园散步怎么样?AOKIt#39s。

10、有关于运动的英语对话1 SNow that you have learned Kung fu for a few months, what are your general impression of it?你学习中国功夫已经几个月了,有什么印象?HI think, maybe, it takes a real Kung f。

11、关于运动的英语对话如下JennyIt#39s so warm today!Let#39s go and have some sports!詹妮今天太暖和了咱们运动运动吧HenryGreat!亨利好啊TomI want to play football!汤姆我想踢足球MarkGood idea!I。

12、小杨What a pity! I had to go to a wedding yesterday so I haven’t watched the final of 110m hurdles太遗憾了昨天我不得不去参加一个婚礼所以我没能看到110米跨栏比赛的决赛 小李Well, flying man Liu。

13、Michael What kind of exercises do usually do?你平时做什么运动B Well, I love to do pushups, and I go cycling every day我喜欢做俯卧撑,每天我都骑单车A What do you like about them?你为什么喜欢。

14、A你喜欢体育运动吗B 当然了,我是超级运动迷A 那你最喜欢什么运动B几乎所有的球类,例如篮球足球排球羽毛球乒乓球等等你呢A我太懒了,不愿意出去伸展手脚 B你最好做些运动,因为那会给。


15、A Which sport do you like best? 你最喜欢啥运动呢B Let me see, oh, yes, I guess I’ve loved basketball ever since I was 10 yeas old我想想大概是篮球吧我10岁就开始打篮球了A So do I。

16、下面是我整理的英语对话喜欢运动,希望对大家有帮助英语对话关于喜欢运动一Sport A It#39s so warm today! Let#39s go and have some sportsB That great!A I want to play footballB Good idea! I didn#39。

17、AC HeyCan we help you sir?B Yeah I#39d like to buy something for my audition CAudition?B Enhun, I#39m an actorA Ok This suit?BUmToo tightC The blue one?B MarvelousAlook。



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