

1、period 这个是一个口语的常用词 就是”完算了英语了,算了,没了“英语解释是这样的到此为止不再说了Some people say period after stating a fact or opinion when they want to emphasize that they are definite about;forget it 英f#601#712ɡet it 美f#602#712ɡ#603t #618t释义 算了 没关系例句Forget it I want you to meet two exciting people算了吧,来见两个有意思的人;算了吧本身有多种含义1当指提出的某一件事情,例如对话“借算了英语我点钱吧”“可是那个”“那算了吧”用“Forget it”有点不高兴的意味像说“就当我没说”2作“没什么,无所谓”时,用all right3叫别人;Let it be意思是过去的就让它过去吧,跟汉语里的算了吧一个意思。


2、leave it at that 例句与用法 1 Come on算了英语! you#39ve getting into kid games 算了罢,算了英语你把它当做儿戏了2 Let#39s give him enough rope to hang this time 这次让他自食其果算了3 I would;“计算”用英语说为calculatecalculate词义解析 1calculate的读音英 #712k#230lkjule#618t美 #712k#230lkjule#618t2calculate的意思计算,核算,预测,推测3calculate的例句;It doesn#39t matter You don#39t care,It#39s up to you。

3、没见过可能是意译的吧 参看下面几例1You have the final say你说了算2You are the boss听你的你说了算3Who wears the trousers in your house? You or your wife?在你家里谁说了算,你还是;算了,不需要了,不用了 算了可以说it#39s ok 不需要了就说its enough 不用了和不需要了一样;算了1 let it be 2 let it pass 例句与用法1 算了,别放在心上Forget it2 我以为能负担得起那费用, 后来认真估算了一下才知道过於昂贵I thought I could afford it, then I costed it out proper;英#712k#230lkjule#618t美#712k#230lkj#601#716letvt计算估计打算,计划旨在vt预测,推测例句From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy 由此你可以算出银河。

4、counter calculating machine 计 puting counter ptometer 问题三你说的算用英语怎么说 It is up to you 希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢问题四算了吧 用英语怎么说 1I’m finished with you;1I’m finished with you!That ends it between you and me!算了吧算了吧我再也不同你玩了2Thanks, but no thanks谢谢,但还是算了吧3well, it#39s no big deal We#39ll take this one算了吧。

5、问题三不发算了的英语 你好,If you don#39t send it our, forget it!希望能采纳,谢谢 问题四”如果不行就算了“用英语怎么说谢谢 Forget it if you can#39t do it问题五她说你没回来就算了用英语怎么;这个“算了算了”有几种不同的感情一种是生气的“算了算了,不跟你说了”这个时候用“Whatever!”一种是表示没有关系“算了算了,没有关系的”这个时候用“It#39s OK”或者“Never mind”“够了够了”,鉴于你;That#39s all right!Never mind!甲这个不好我再帮您换一个乙算了,这个还不错That#39s it!甲真是不好意思,很对不起乙算了,别放在心上Foget it!Let it go!Never mind;问题一算了吧 用英语怎么说 1I’m finished with you!That ends it between you and me!算了吧算了吧我再也不同你玩了2Thanks, but no thanks谢谢,但还是算了吧3well, it#39s no big deal。

标签: 算了英语


