

1、说法很多代言英语,看你怎么用这个词了代言 endorse 名人代言产品 celebrityendorsed products 代言人 spokesmanspokeswoman。

2、endorse 代言 spokesperson 代言人 brand spokesperson 品牌产品代言人 brand ambassador 和brand spokesperson同意思代言英语,较少用。

3、endorsement一般指代言英语的是名人代言代言英语,celebrity endorsment名人代言就用endorsement 但需要和testimonial区别下testimonial 而指的是普通消费者的推荐词,比如一些广告中使用普通人做广告,在广告中说一些诸如“某某产品很好用,某某。

4、动词代言可以用单词represent,也可以用短语in name ofon behalf of来表示 egMrLi gave us a heartstirring speech on behalf ofin the name of the committee代言人也可以用多个单词来表达,常用的有 1deputy。

5、明星代言一般用endorse这里例句可以说,Many a brand he endorsed has suffered blows of different degrees。

6、Star endorsement明星代言是指利用名人 明星的平面肖像或录像,通过一系列的宣传载体让产品的终端受众广为知晓的一种营销方式使用范围及媒体包括甲方网站报纸杂志海报车厢内外地铁产品提袋灯箱店头店。

7、Endorsers最好,spokesperson,endorsement,quot广告代言人”英语是Advertising Endorsers或者 广告代言人advertising spokesperson形象代言人是celebrity,这是在西方英语国家真正的实际的流行的用法 顺便说一下,形象代言。

8、celebrity endorsement就是“名人代言”或“明星代言”,为商家产品做宣传的名人就叫做celebrity spokesperson明星代言人。

9、形象代言人是celebrity,这是在西方英语国家真正的实际的流行的用法例如最近的一篇新闻报道说Pepsi has dumped its celebrity endorsements saying the celebrities were too big and overshadowed the brand中文翻译。

10、这个正确I speak for myself speak for 代表讲话,为而说 I represent myself!此句应译为 我代表我自己represent 英repr#618#39zent美,r#603pr#618#39z#603ntvt代表表现描绘回忆。


11、“形象代言人”的英文表达为1image spokesperson 释义形象代言人 例句In that case, find out the success that act for or is an image spokesperson special importance, do a first step study在这种情况下。

12、可以用Brand spokesperson例如Over the years the company strengthened the brand strategy and campaign,please comedian Chen Guoqing as quotXin Li Wangquot brand spokesperson也可以用the face 来代替例如Lang Lang has。


14、On the Celebrity Spokesperson Currently, we could hardly live a single day without seeing a celebrity spokesperson promoting a product or a social campaign on TV, net or other media This is an intensely。

15、Talking about Famous People AHi,TomDo you know about Liu Xiang?BSureEveryone knows about himHe is good at 110 hurdle,and is an exellent athlete in ChinaAHe won the gold medal in 2008。

16、这是我研究生复试的时候的自我介绍中介绍家乡的,自己随便加点就够了吧或者有意识的停顿下My hometown is Linyi, which is a small city situated in the southern part of Shandong Province The city itself i。

17、Welcome to my hometown! Shanghai is my hometown It is a modern and busy town It has a long history There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here It is very easy to go。

标签: 代言英语



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