

讨论的英文是discussion1讨论的定义和特点 讨论是指多个人围绕某个话题或问题展开交流和思考的过程在一个讨论中讨论关于英语,不同的观点和意见可以被提出,并通过逻辑推理证据支持和争论辩论等方式进行辩证分析和评判2Discussio讨论关于英语;4 关于英语写作文作文,经典句子 我是英语专业的,平时随手存的,能找到什么就发什么讨论关于英语了四六级作文35个加分句型一~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + that + 主词 + have ever + seen knownheardhadread, etc ~~~ the。

Hearing the importance of not selfevident, students should raise the level of hearing, first of all, a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary certain Second, we must pay attention to the following;discussion读法英 d#618#712sk#652#643#601n 美 d#618#712sk#652#643#601nn 讨论论述,详述谈话,辩论 复数 discussions 短语 Panel discussion 小组讨论 分组。

英语口语讨论话题举例如下话题 暗恋Were you a secret admirer for someone?How was your feeling?How do you think about secret love?What is real love in your opinion?话题写博客Do you have your own blog?Ho;argument,英音#39ɑgjum#601nt美音#39ɑrgj#601m#601nt,词典解释,名词 n争执,争吵辩论C+aboutoverwith,We had an argument about politics,我们就政治展开了争论理由,论据论点。

Discuss about 讨论关于 talk about 双语例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 我和好友开始讨论关于地震的问题Friends and I Started discussions on the issue of earthquake!我们的销售和技术人员会积极主动的与您讨论关于节能;2compare the american values with chinese ones American values 1 Everyone is born equal, therefore, should be treated equally regardless of age,gender,race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income and educational。


1、初中英语对话教学中必须给学生创设一个真实的语言交际环境,为学生提供充分运用英语进行交流实践的机会,使学生能够加深理解熟练掌握灵活运用,达到学以致用的目的我整理了,欢迎阅读!一 Todd Alright, Tennessee, you were。

2、1 The government established and implemented many policies with regard to these issues however, the issues haven#39t been resolved2 I think that passing the fourth level examination can be a little tough。

3、debate”“talk over”某事“something”例句1丽丽在跟妈妈谈论某事“Lily is talking something with her mother”例句2让我们一起来讨论一些关于新年的事情吧“Let#39 s discuss something about new year”。

4、讨论,指就某一问题交换意见或进行辩论下面就由我为大家带来关于讨论的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获关于讨论的相关短语 讨论 kick around 讨论 talk about 集体讨论group discussion 讨论底线 The Bottom Line of例句然后。


1、1Do you think obama will win the presidential election again?2How should Chinese government deal with the provocation of the Philipines about the issue of Scarborough Reef?3What do you think about the。


2、谈论讨论某事的英文是discussion一读音d#618#39sk#652#643n二意思是讨论谈论三例句 In their discussion,I was in favor of Mr Li在他们的争论中,我支持李先生四词汇用法 1。

3、英语对话课就是给学生们提供一个面对面进行英语交流的机会,培养学生用英语进行口语交际的能力我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!1 BobbyDo you like music?RachelWell, it dependsBobbyDo you think this music is。

4、讨论的英文是discuss,读音为英d#618#39sk#652s美 d#618#39sk#652s讨论是人们在社交学术和商业领域中经常使用的交流方式它是一种分享观点交换想法传达信息的方式在讨论中,人们可以表达自己的观点。



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