

house price 近年来房价一路飞升,政府想尽一切办法力图稳住房价Recently the housing prices keept rocketing, and the government tried all means to stabilize the price昂贵房价英语的房价使很多购房者不得不缩衣节食The s。

house英ha#650s , ha#650z美ha#650s , ha#650zn房屋 房子 住宅 住在一所房子里的人 全家人 某种用途的建筑物vt给某人提供住处 是某物的贮藏处或安置处 收藏 安置。

housing price 房价 semidetached house 半独立式房子一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开detached house 独立式房子一家拥有terraced houses row houses 连栋房屋互相连接的一排房屋两幢之间只有一层。

priceprice不可数房价英语你说的“house prices 房价oil prices 油价”里的prices不是可数名词,是物质名词的复数现象,来表示一个泛指的概念,来表示不同的种类或大量该物质组成的事物例如,rices,waters,woods。

RMBsqm 3 Let#39s eat first We dont have to wait, he#39s working over time 4 We#39d better hurry up now, it#39s gona be a long lineup there in canteen and won#39t。

价格,英语是priceprice 英pra#618s 美pra#618sn 代价 价格,价钱 价值 赏金vt 定价 标价 问的价格 给定价例句They expected house prices to rise他们盼望着房价上升price 英 pra#618s 美 pra#618sn 代价。

然而,即使这样,米什金先生仍和联储同一阵线即联储不应通过加息调控房价3they went into the house and when they saw the child with mary his mother,they knelt and worshiped him他们进房价英语了屋,看见婴儿和他。

The everrising price of property in China has become cause of worry for an increasing number of people, shows a surveyDespite the measures taken last year to cool down the overheatedreal estate market。


一有关房子本身的 1别墅Single Family House, Single House,或者就是用house,这里的house就是指独立的房子一般不太用villa这个词2联体别墅城市别墅townhouse,几乎不用cityhouse3商品房单元房公寓。


With housing prices rising rapidly, more and more people can not afford a house。

房间名称的英语单词有,master bedroom 带 卫 浴 的 卧 室 套 房 ,一 般 为 夫 妻 卧 室 ,dinning room 餐 厅饭 厅,kitchen厨房,cellar地下室,Classroom教室1master bedroom英#712。

Effect of Inflation 1 For deposit From the Fisher effect we kwon when expected inflation rises, interest rates will rise as we know real interest rate equals the nominal interest rate minus the expected。

商务房价指酒店为争取更多的客人而与一些公司签订合同,给予他们优惠的房间价格Pressing 预先分房指客人抵达前预先安排所需房间Net rate 净房价指房价中除去佣金税收付加费等剩下的纯房间收入Waiting list 意思。


price 英pra#618s 美pra#618sn 代价 价格,价钱 价值 赏金vt 定价 标价 问的价格 给定价例句They expected house prices to rise他们盼望着房价上升Slovenia will have。

标签: 房价英语



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