

问题一高铁和动车用英语怎么说 这俩词在英语中均没有对应的词汇 硬要译的话勉强英语,高铁可译成High Speed Railway但实际上没人这么译 动车浮词则是中国大陆独有英语里没对应词勉强英语,勉强可译为EMU或者DMU,其中的MU代表的“勉强英语;It is a present even the God sent a dream,something seems unachievable,into our skullsWe should keep it deeply in mind that we have no excuses to be discouraged when we encounter any sorts of setbacks。


1I don#39t like reluctanting others 2I don#39t like to force others to do the things that he doesn#39t like 3I don#39t want to don#39t like reluctance myself, but do not want to hurt others 4;很勉强的reluctant 例句The central bank has been reluctant to raise rates for fear this would attract more quothot moneyquot from abroad央行一直以来不愿提高利率,就是担心如此一来会吸引更多海外“热钱”流入。


1、意思是 仅仅,勉强几乎不公开地贫乏地第二个,吹泼,吹读四声,名词,旅行,动词,vi 绊倒,跌倒,第三个,科如收,如读一声,每个单词最后一个音轻读,形容词,意思是重要的决定性的定局的决断的。

2、勉强地 miǎn qiáng dì中文constrainedly 强制地, 不自然地, 勉强地 narrowly 狭窄地, 勉强地, 严密地 reluctantly 不情愿地, 勉强地 with half a heart 勉强地 with a bad grace 勉强地不。

3、reluctant adj不愿意的, 勉强的同意答复等 因不愿意而行动迟缓的 难处理的 难加工的 难驾驭的 罕反对的, 抵抗的 reluctant assistance 勉强的协作 reluctant followers 胁从分子 He was very reluctant to go。

4、I don#39t want to force youI don#39t want to embarrass you不能用reluctant, reluctant 指的是不太愿意做某事的一种心态比如I was reluctant to get up so early that day那天我不想不乐意那么早起来。

5、勉强的东西真的没意思翻译 Reluctant things are really boring或者 Things that are reluctant are particularly boringBoring,无聊的,没有意思的。

6、Nowadays, college students pay more and more attention to optional courses because they consider them a good way to enrich their knowledge Recently, some universities have begun allowing students to choose the。

7、勉强的英语翻译 勉强用英语怎么说 勉强 这个词语 用英语表达 翻译为 reluctantly 小强的翻译,怎么用英语翻译小强,小强用英语怎么说 蟑螂 词典 cockroach roach bug black beetle blackbeetle 例句。


勉强 1reluctantly 2grudgingly3manage with an effort 4do with difficulty 5after a fashion例句勉强英语他同意了,但很勉强He agreed, but with reluctance。

1 B crowded 形容词,表达“很拥挤的”公交车因为挤而让座,其勉强英语他选项和句子的意思不搭2 C hardly can hardly do 意思是“很勉强力有所不及”。

第一句中missed my aunt与crashed on the dining table on the considerable force 和tripped no the carpet 都是作句子的谓语,因tripped 可知该句应用一般过去时时态故用missed而不用missing 第二句narrowly missing 都。

39get by 通过过得去,勉强过活 四六级最全英语短语 5 1absence of 缺乏 2make an acquaintance with 相识,了解 3action on sth 对的作用effect on 对的作用 4addition to sth 增加 5advance in 改进,进步。

标签: 勉强英语



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