

一就用英语有以下三种表达方式1as soon as 1读音#230z sun #230z 2释义一就一经 2directly 1读音d#618#712r#603ktli 2释义adv直接地不久一……就英语,立即。

一就用英语有以下三种表达方式1as soon as 1读音#230z sun #230z 2释义一就一经 3例句 As soon as you would like me to begin一旦一……就英语你想要我开始工作一……就英语,我就能马上开始。

一就 的英文翻译是once,once可以作为副词连词和名词使用,具体分析如下once 英 w#652ns 美 w#652nsadv一旦曾经一次,一趟一倍 conj一旦就一经 n一次,一回 相关短语1。

类似的名词除the moment 外,如the minute,the second也可作连词用在英国英语中 immediately也可作连词用,和as soon as用法一样如I’ll tell him the minute that he gets here他一到达那儿,我就告诉他I。

immediately adv 立刻现在紧邻地直接 conj 一#8943就presently 现在,不久 the moment 那一刻the instant 瞬间the minute。

1用as soon as来表示“一就”,并且有时可以改为so soon as,意思一样例如They quarelled as soon as the wedding ceremony ended婚礼一结束他们就吵起来2用连词whenwhenever和once也可以表达“。


1用短语连词as soon as来表示“一就”是最为常见的,并且有时可以改为so soon as,意思一样例如1 They quarelled as soon as the wedding ceremony ended婚礼一结束他们就吵起来2 So。

as soon as no sooner than hardly when scarcely when once 这j些短语都有“一就”“刚刚就”的意思,它们的意思非常相近,因此有时可以互换例如 “我刚到公共汽车站,汽车就开了”一。

问题一一什么什么就的英文翻译句子5种 He left as soon as he gave out the money He gave out the money, and left immediately On donating the money, he left No sooner had he donated。


Hardlywhen也常放在句首 例 Hardly had we gotten there when it began to rain3no sooner than 和hardly when以及as soon as这三个短语都有“一就”“刚刚就”的意思,它们的意思非常相近。

还是每个词组要5个呢每个写给你造2个 不够的话 告诉我 我可以补 She had hardly arrived when it began to snow她一到就下起雪来了 Hardly when I got ready to continue the topic I talked with my friend,t。

directly directly”可以用作连词,常用于非正式文体中,相当于“as soon as”I came directly I got your message我一接到你的信就赶来了immediately“immediately”可以用作连词,主要用于英国英语中,相当于“as soon as。

1as soon as “as soon as”是“一就”最普通的表达方法,前一个“as”是副词,后一个“as”是连词,引导时间状语从句2directly “directly”可以用作连词,常用于非正式文体中,相当于“as soon as”。

3 turned sick by the sight 一见就恶心 4 Just a pinch一勺就行5 For once 就这一回,就这一次 6 break at the slightest touch 一戳就破 7 She takes offence easily她一动就生气8。

momentquot引导一时间状语从句,表示在从句动作发生的一刹那,主句动作也发生了,例如quotI saw him the moment thathe got off the trainquot他一下火车我就看见他了2as soon asBut as soon as 一就th。

1the moment,instant,minute,second that等时间名词用作边际从属连词,表示“一就”,其后的that经常省略,moment等词前可以用very等形容词修饰I sent you the news the instant that I heard it我一得到。



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