

1、Someday, when I was watching a movie, I liked the heroine so much, she looked so beautiful The girl in the movie not only dressed very well, but her hairstyle looked so perfect I wanted to have her。

2、刚从高考资源网看到 ,希望对你有所帮助。


4、先求出m的值 然后对a,b,c函数定点画大致的图形 最后由m值确定a,b,c大小。



7、The Tangshan Earthquake also known as the Great Tangshan Earthquake, was a natural disaster that occurred on July 28, 1976 It is believed to be the largest earthquake of the 20th century by death toll唐山。


8、248mol×25KJ2mol=31KJ,达平衡时体系总能量减少31KJ,故答案为31,9,2012#8226唐山三模1常温下,浓度均为01molL的6种溶液的pH如下表序号 a b c d e f 溶质 CH3COONa NaHCO3 Na2CO3。



11、My name is xxx My hometown is Tangshan ,a beautiful city there are many places of intrests And people are very kind here Welcome everyone to have a visit here我的名字是xxx 我的家乡是唐山一个美丽。

12、Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning It’s my great honor to be given the chance to give the speechThank Mr Zhang and the city government for inviting me to speak And thank all of you to attend this。


14、We watch the quotTangshan Earthquakequot, it was a great catastrophe occurred in the evening, many people were killed Ten minutes earlier to ask someone to answer the playground。

15、should show our greatest honor to themWhen I first arrived in the city yesterday, I came to understand why Tangshan was called “Brave City of China”如果你满意我的答案,请点击 “选为满意回答”,谢谢。



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