

If people stop at the first meeting of a good time, then no one will think of the feelings of what would change, continued, and then cool down, decay, disappearI do not want to say too much, I。

4请问,这个那个用英语怎么说5它是一块橡皮擦一幅地图6你能拼写它吗ERASER,橡皮擦7谢谢你不用谢;That#39s OK不过也要看具体语境得联系上下文也可以用#39s fineit#39s OKI would be fine that 如果,那就好了;很荣幸有机会和大家交流我希望自己今天表现的很好我相信我能成功我简单介绍下我自己吧我22岁,山东人毕业于青岛大学,专业是电子我在2003年的时候拿到自己的学士学位,我大学期间的主要精力都放在了学习上,英语;that#39s finethat is good that is ok 以上都是那就好的意思 that‘s great 的意思是 那太棒了well 是好的;当他们攀越第30道围墙时夏问羽,“你累吗”羽说,“我不累”“那就好When they scaled to the 30th wall,Xia asked YiquotAre you tired ?quot,quotNoquot,answered YiquotThat is goodquot,commented Xia”当他们攀越;扩展if not如果不是,表示惊讶或憎恶等情绪if only意为“若那就好了,我多么希望”相当于how I wishonlyif意为“决不除非”If it hadn’t been for the doctor’s care, I should not be speaking。

GoodWhat did you do last weekend,Emma? 那就好艾玛你上个周末做了些什么I visited my grandmother,and I did my homework 我去看望了我的祖母然后我写了我的作业GreatAnd how about you,Ben? 好极了,那;好的英文是good,fine一good词汇分析音标英 g#650d 美 ɡ#650d释义adj 好的优良的愉快的虔诚的 n 好处善行慷慨的行为 adv 好 短语good at 善于 good and 完全,非常 good for;要是样,那就好了翻译为英文是If so, that#39s fine;The challenge over the past year has been to structure an international regulatory regime that reduces the opportunity for access, yet divines means for identifying when the system has been penetrated with;It’s very important I’ll explain later 那就好,你可以告诉他,由于意外变化,在进一步通知之前,请勿给NNC公司发货事关重大,稍后我会做出解释A Okay, let me repeat your message to see if I’ve got i。

Only could so 只 能够 如此像这样That’s good;If you don#39t want to talk about it, then ju顶t let it go 问题六“那我呢那我又算什么”用英语怎么说 Then, who am I 问题七“那就好”用英文怎么翻译 that#39s fine;That’s good,主系表结构翻译那很好that is good 那是好的 那就好 还不错 很好;LovelyThat#39s greatWhat a relief!送口气哦!Happy to hear that。




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