

健康饮食习惯多食清淡,少食肥腻多吃富含维生素合理饮食英语的食物饮食宜软温暖少吃坚硬粗糙合理饮食英语的食物合理饮食,疾病少一点,健康多一点我整理了健康饮食英语短文,欢迎阅读!健康饮食英语短文篇一 The 6 Best Vitamins;1A reasonable diet and stay on time,do not work late into the do any work,learn to relax;I love junk food, too, and I eat it once a week And I sleep nine hours every dayThe better we get into good eating habits, the happier our life becomesA banlance diet is very important;Unreasonable diet, nutrition, excessive or insufficient, it can bring harm to health Excessive dieting will because of excess nutrients cause a variety of diseases, obesity, diabetes, cholelithiasis, hyperlipidemia。

均衡饮食保持健康合理饮食英语的英语是Eat a balanced diet to keep healthy补充合理搭配食物想要饮食均衡最关键的就是合理搭配食物,因为食物的种类多,多去尝试,不要经常吃熟悉的食物,对饮食均衡也有帮助很多人在饮食这方面没;As the saying goes quotHunger breeds discontentquot Today#39s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong dishes outside of Italy;Firstly,careful with proper diet,more fresh vegetables and fruitsless fish and meat etcAnd dont eat too much sweet food我在加拿大待了5年,对英语可以说是很熟练了,楼主以后有这类问题都能找我谢谢。

How to keep balance diet合理饮食英语? Due to the existence of highlevel stress jobs, maximum people all over the world eat a lot of fast food and do not indulge in a healthy balanced diet This, in the long;which give you all the essential vitamins and trace nutrients Protein comes third It is essential for muscle building Fun fact eating lots of protein for breakfast keeps you full for longer, as a BBC s;如今,越来越多人更多地关注他们的健康状况,而不是他们的收入,他们采取保持健康的方法各不相同在我看来,保持健康离不开这三个原则合理的饮食,有规律的作息,适当的运动以及好心情For one thing, I believe that no one will。

问题一合理饮食用英语怎么说? 合理膳饮食 rational diet rational nutrition 合理营养 Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein多吃些水果,少摄入些蛋白质,使饮食均衡合理feeding disorders;合理饮食英语你的来信我已经收到,你在信中写的,现在开始要注意合理饮食,多吃鱼,豆类,肉,特别是新鲜水果,还有不要吃太多的甜食 I#39ve received your letter, you write the letter, now begin to notice reasonable diet;first,note reasonable diet second,assure enough sleep third,insist to exercise and participate in sports 正确的。

You#39d better keep balanced diet,persistent exercises and abundant sleep作为对别人的劝慰,应用委婉的语气“you‘d better”,而keep已经涵盖每天坚持做的意思,而且更简单明了地道;Keep healthy To keep health is very importantHow to keep health is a attention problem at presentPeople always gets ill by mouth,so i think to keep a health diet is the first important thingIf you wa。

is important for us in our daily lifefood can give us energy and help us build up our bodywhat and how should we eat to be healthier?first,we should have enough clean food each mealsecond,it#39s im。




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