

未来的规划英语作文 篇1 The new term will begin again I worked out a new semester plan with my mom and dad Let#39s see how I plan it On the Chinese side, I decided to read an hour after class every day an。


我的未来计划英语作文 篇1 I always dream of becoming a teacher, because teaching is the most glorious project in the world Nothing is more important than education to a nation I#39m honored to devote myself to educat。

希望对你有帮助很多单词是初中的内容,有问题可以问我 中国载人航天未来计划的英语作文 Every heard of quotChinesequot proud and proud name, will Yigunuanliu into my mind We have a long history of the Chinese nat。

我的未来计划英语作文篇一 When I get into the middle school, it means I have grown up So I will try to do better of everything in the near futureFirst of all, I should learn how to learnIt will。

高中未来规划英语作文篇1 If my English is as good as my Chinese, which I am working on, I want to be living with English I will learn a trade in English, totally, such as a car technician I will。

当我还小的时候,我就在思考我将来会成为什么的人,做什么样的事下面是我为大家精心整理的关于未来规划的高中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们未来规划 When I was a child Irsquove been thinking what I will do。

someday I will enter a good college我现在在一所初中学习,这是我的第二年,所以我很快就要进入高中学习了我有很多的未来计划,第一是努力学习,这样我就能进入一所好的高中,只有在这样的高中学习,我才能有更多的。

the winter holiday is coming soon, I want to relax myself, so my trip is right at the hand Now, I must study hard, my future plans need me to work hard No pain, no gain, someday I will enter。

我的未来计划 我决定在大学毕业后做一个中学老师有很多原因促成了这一决定首先,当我还是个小男孩的时候,我一直梦想成为一名教师它让我着迷,我希望我可以让我的梦想成真我非常喜欢和中学生在一起在这个年龄的大。

My future plan Everyone dreams about his or her own future so do I I want to be an English teacher in the futureWhy do I have that dream or plan? The first reason is that I reckon learning。

My summer vacation plan I am going back to my hometown this summerI will take a good rest when I get home after a year#39s hard workwhen i stay at home,i will surf the interenet,watch tv and help。

I Want To Become A Doctor In the future My dream is to beome a doctor and I will help the patients who have few trained doctors and very little medicineChina is a developing country, which needs good。

Future Plans As a saying goes,quotAttitude depends on everythingquotIf we have an active attitude,we will have a promising future,and if we have a negtive attitude,we will have a dark futureEveryone should。

我的未来的学习计划英语作文,150字左右 My Plan In The Future When I get into the middle school,it means I have grown upSo I will try to do better of everything in the near future First of all,I should learn。

我的未来计划一名中学教师 我决定大学毕业后当一 名中学教师,这是我孩提时代的梦想 ,我很喜欢教师在个职业,与中学生在一 起可以使自己永保青春我国师资力量缺乏,主要原因是教师工作辛苦,收入低想当老师的人很少。

I may quit teaching unless I find I’m real interesting in teaching翻译我的未来计划 到现在为止我不知道是否我真的有兴趣在教学中,虽然我,作为一个自由正常的学生,我应该是教师的未来尽管我梦想成为一个商人或。



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