

1、作为家长及教师小学英语题,要如何去开发小孩子的英语智力,从而促进孩子学好英语学科呢对于很想小学英语题了解的亲们, 不妨跟着小学英语题我一起来阅读小学英语智力试题,希望对各位有帮助!小学英语智力试题 1 What has four eyes but cannot see小学英语题;第一篇一 听录音,选择小学英语题你所听到的单词,将编号写在括号里10分 1 A where B white 2 A blue B black 3 A green B great 4 A p;小学英语阅读理解题1My name is Jim My favorite day is October l8th, because it#39s my birthday I am very happy on that day I eat eggs for breakfast Then my friends come to my home and play。


2、小学英语阅读题及翻译 The deaf use sign language to talk with each other 耳聋的人可以用手势语彼此交谈There is even a university for the deaf in the United States 在美国,甚至有一所专门为耳聋的人开设的;八选择适当的人称代词填空8%1___ HeI is my father 2 ___ SheThey are Tom’s grandparents3 ___ WeI am Jim’s new friend 4 Look at that white dog ___;小学英语阅读理解题目加答案 10 要简单 要简单 展开 4个回答 #选出与短文内容相符的选项,把它的编号写在左边的括号里每小题2分,共;小学英语阅读题及翻译 quotOh, I made a mistake,quot said the man quotHe is blind in the left eyequot “哦,我记错了,”这个人说,“是左眼瞎了” Washington then took his hand from the left eye of the。

3、21 There is some meat and vegetables in the hamburger 变一般疑问句,并且作否定回答Is there any meat and vegetables in the hamburger? No, there isn#39t22 She has some red skirts and green scarves;quotOK, quot says the boy quotBut where is the hospital?quot “好的,”男孩说“但是医院在哪里?”quot In the town, quot answers his mother “在镇里面,”他母亲回答Then Mike leaves his house He gets to a;The young man answers, quotBecause I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks likequot 年轻人回答说,“因为我以前从未看过大象,我想知道它是什么样子的”86A Clever Boy 一个。

4、一选择题1There aren#39t __C___windows in this roomAre there ___in your room?Asomeany Bsomesome Canyany Danysome否定句和疑问句中some变成any2 ___C___?问价格用How;篇一小学生英语阅读题 I am Tony Smith I am twelve I am in No101 Middle School I’m in Class 2, Grade 7 My good friend is Jim Green He is an English boy He is twelve, too He is;英语阅读题及翻译 71One Dog or Two? 一条狗还是两条狗?One day a dog has a nice piece of meat for his dinner 一天,一条狗有一块美味的肉当它的晚餐He goes home happily with the meat in his mouth。

5、One day he finds one of his oranges is much bigger than the others 一天,他发现其中一个橘子比另一些大很多 It is as big as a football 它象一个足球那么大Nobody has ever seen such a big orange。

6、看了下面的小学英语易错题典型举例,也许会对你有帮助吧1She is a beautifully girl,she is dancing beautiful at home错误原因分析 beautiful是形容词,通常放在名词前,用来修饰名词而beautifully是副词,通常放在。

标签: 小学英语题



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