

我不擅长语文,因此我不喜欢语文课,但是李老师能让课堂很活跃和生动有趣,所有我的语文老师英语作文的学生都能集中精神如今我的语文也提高我的语文老师英语作文了,多亏了李老师的功劳 5 用一件事介绍你最喜欢的老师 英语作文 80词 My English teacher is very handsome我的语文老师英语作文;she teaches well and works very h ard,she is really a good taecher我的语文老师英语作文! 我的英语老师吴小姐非常年轻,她又高又 苗条,长的很漂亮,大眼睛,高鼻梁,还 有乌黑的长发她对我们也非常负责,教 书教的很好,工作非常;我的老师英语作文带翻译My English teather is Mr Xu,we call he LaoXuHis English is very good And he always wears a pair of glasses He likes wearing blue trousersHe often plays with us after class;秦老师是我最喜欢的老师她教我们的语文,今年32岁,是个可爱的女士她温暖的笑容和黑黑的长发是她的标志我的同学都很喜欢她,因为她对我们总是很和蔼在我看来,她是一个充满智慧的老师她给我们讲很多的故事,感觉她什么都知道此外;英语作文我的语文老师 I love my Chinese teacherHer name is Lui Xiaohong She is from Nanchang She’s very active and strict She has two big and brighteyesShe’s very niceShe is short and th。

My chinese teacher is Miss Huang She is a beautiful lady She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth there is always a smile on her faceMiss Huang likes singing and collecting posters;4 我的老师英语作文带翻译 I like listening English music, sometimes I listen or watch English programs on radio or TVBut these ways are not enoughSo I do as he asks For example do one reading;我的语文老师 我的语文老师姓谢,我的语文老师英语作文他三十岁,他有着一双大眼睛,目光清澈,很精神短头发和一个小嘴巴,每天微笑着,显得很和蔼可亲高高的鼻梁竖起眼镜看起来很有知识的人他中等个子,稍微不那么胖,但是衣服搭配得很匀称;可能是我还不了解老师,对老师说的话还不能快点明白每次语文课,我们脑子里都会充满了许多问题这节课老师会给我们讲什么呢会不会讲新课呢虽然如此,但我们却觉得十分快乐6我的老师 我的语文老师有着一头黄黄的;许老师非常善良,非常帅我们都很喜欢他 6 我的老师英语作文带翻译 I like listening English music, sometimes I listen or watch English programs on radio or TVBut these ways are not enoughSo I do as he asks。

篇一关于老师的英语作文 老师,我想对你说 Teacher, I Want to Say 李 老师是我的英语老师,她对我很好起初,我学英语遇到了很多困难,所以我感到很失落,想放弃那个时候,李 老师在我的作业里写下了一些话。


篇二我的英语老师My Headteacher My high school headteacher teaches my English He is handsome And he is very thin for hardwork He is about forty years old He looks serious But in fact, he is;小学英语作文我的老师带翻译篇1 A conscientious, approachable and respected teacher, teacher ChenWhen having a class, teacher Chen took pains let#39s reading, browsing, roaming in the sea of knowledge Look;我的英语老师作文5句5年级写作思路描述人的作文一般包括年龄身高外貌,性格特征2示范如下My English teacher is Wang Li She is very young and very tall She has two big eyes She is very;1 英文作文 我的语文老师 My Chinese teacher is very kind to every one of usTo her,we are like her children She works very hardAnd she is very good at teachingIn her class,we are always very。

much我爱我的语文老师她的名字叫吕晓红她来自南昌,她很积极,很严格她有两只又大又亮的眼睛,她很好她又矮又瘦,她总是笑我不知道她最喜欢什么季节因为我不太了解她她的课很有趣,我非常喜欢;译文 秦老师是我最喜欢的老师她教我们的语文,今年32岁,是个可爱的女士她温暖的笑容和黑黑的长发是她的标志我的同学都很喜欢她,因为她对我们总是很和蔼在我看来,她是一个充满智慧的老师她给我们讲很多的故事;这就是我最喜欢的老师你的怎么样呢可以采纳吗6 英语作文我的新老师五年级并翻译 My New Teacher My new teacher is science teacher He#39s very strong He has a big mouth, o big ears, o big。



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