

also we can contact our friend in a minuteThus, cell phones facilitate our life总之,通过手机,我们不仅能得到很多乐趣,而且我们能迅速联系到我们如何正确使用手机英语作文的朋友手机确实方便如何正确使用手机英语作文了我们的生活来自yh3057英语牛人团如何正确使用手机英语作文;students tend to waste lots of time to play cell phone games and sending messages, particularly in classAs far as I am concerned, it is reasonable for middle school students to follow the fashion After a。

How to Use Computer Properly Computer becomes much popular this century In schools, factories and office buildings, computers help people to do many works and bring more advantages, they also provide people some;As is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming more and more popular within China In 2000, the number of cell phones in use was 85,260,000 in 2001, the number was 180,000,000 in 2002 206。

affect our healthy development Therefore, we should use mobile phones reasonably翻译大致的意思就是说有一些人不能够合理的运用手机,他们会上网聊天玩游戏,浪费时间,如果我们合理地用手机,他们会对我们生活有益;一些人,特别是青少年,很容易爱上智能手机的原因首先,如今,人们承受着巨大的压力,而手机为人们提供了一个放松自己的平台By playing minigames,vocal chatting with friends,watching movies and listening to music。



In daily life, we should use mobile phones moderately, do not bow the head, stay up late, do not do quotmoonlight clanquot Moderate leisure, relaxation, mobile phone as a way to improve the quality of life。

中学生怎样使用手机英语作文篇1 Now it is the information society,so a mobile phone is one of the fastest information communication toolsOn the one hand, they can contact their parents anytime, especially wh。



1玩手机的时间不要连续超过1个小时When using mobile phones, you should reduce watching indifferent videos and playing games2使用手机时应该减少看无所谓的视频和玩游戏Do not take out your mobile phone to。


1、正确使用手机的高中英语作文篇1 With the improving of our living standard, nowadays ,almost everyone can afford a cell phone Every cion has two sides When we are enjoying the benefits that cell phones hav。


2、1不要玩手机,眼睛失眠近视,最好定好时间,绝不超过三十分钟2If you have something urgent, just look at your mobile phone If you don#39t, try not to look at it2大家有急事就看看手机,没有的。

3、coworkers and customers, surfing on internet, looking up new words, reading electric books, booking tickets, listening to songs, watching movies, play games, even navigating when drive a car, to a soothing。



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