

10out of curiosity 出于好奇 11satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心 12have connection with 与有联系有关联 13have a directclosestrong connection with 与有直接密切牢固的联系 14have sthnothing to。

因为我们不断互发邮件的相互了解,于是我渐渐被你的希望和抱负中表现出深遂的思想所吸引intrigued with 在这里是被吸引的意思,along with是与一道,与一起,共同,连同,和作伴随着的意思。

When he was a youngster,out of curiosity,Peter took a risk smokingDue to the help of his wife,he finally gave up smoking。


出于好奇,她问“为什么在咖啡里加盐”He explained, quotWhen I was a little boy, I lived near the sea I liked playing in the sea I enjoyed its salty taste It was like salty coffee他解释说“当。

Any luck with ie Did you manage to get the job?找工作的事运气好吗?Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱Did you have a good。

There were 11 cats in the forest One day they decided to go out for a walk All the way, they were very happy Suddenly, a large area of flowers and plants came into view A cat said, quotWow, it。

格林斯潘猜想他是一位马拉松运动员出于好奇,他走了过去,想要了解一下为什么这位运动员要克服这样的困难,坚持跑到终点The young man called Kowari from Tanzania replied gently, “That my country sent me here from。



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