

1、初中英语补全对话及答案1 根据对话内容英语补全对话,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话有两项多余 AI had a big argument with David yesterdayI hope he#39s not still mad at me B31___ AHe borrowed some money from me and;1 理解上下文仔细阅读对话的前文和后文,理解对话的背景和语境根据上下文的提示,推测对话中可能会涉及的主题和内容2 注意人称和时态观察对话中已给出的句子,注意人称和时态的一致性根据已有的信息,判断缺失部;根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的选项中有两项 为多余选项Mary, we are going to have a party on New Year‘s Eve I’m sure we‘ll have a good time ___1___I‘d;ACan I help you? 我能帮助英语补全对话你吗BYes,thanksI#39d like some tea 好的,谢谢我想要一些茶 AHow much do you want?你要多少BHalf a kilo,please 请来半公斤 Aok,here you areIs that all?给;八年级英语补全对话篇1 Jill is not feeling well, so her mother takes her to the hospitalJill Good morning, doctorDoctor Good morning 1___?Jill This morning I had a pain in my headDoctor。

2、1补全对话,一空一词 A Hello英语补全对话!B Hi, is that Paul? This is Nick, your new classmateA Hi, Nick英语补全对话! Where you?B At Therersquos a new at the Capital Cinema Do you Know?A Yes, I do;AHi,Tom!Doyou like apples?BYes,i doHow about you?AI like applesAnd my fatherlikesapples,tooDoes your fatherlikeapples?BNo,he doesn`tHe likes oranges and breadatbreakfast;对话1 AWhat can I do for you ?BI want a sweaterAOh,we have bule,yellow and white oneBCan I have a look at the pantes?AYes,pleaseWhat color do you want?BGreenHow much are they。

3、因为你没有提供选择,多写几个给你备用吧1,This is Allen speaking表示正是Allen在这里讲话我就是Allen2,Can you help me?Can you do me a favor?Can you give me a hand“请求帮忙”3,What#39s;解答1What#39s the matter?2You can write to her3What about talking to her on the phone?4You should say sorry to her5That#39s a good idea。

4、1 填单词补全对话2 写句子补全对话3 选句子补全对话4 选单词补全对话5 对话排序本市以前多采用第3种“选择式”的客观题型但近几年多采用第一,二种“非选择式”的主观题型,来考查学生灵活运用英语语言;A Can you me mend my bike? It’s quotbrokenquotB SureA Thank youB You’re quotwelcomequot补全对话2 A Hello, Tom! What are you doing?B I ’m eating cakes They are quotdeliciousquot Would you like。


5、如果属于题目的项目名称,如同 Comprehension阅读理解Selection选择填空那样,可以用 Dialogue Completion如果是叙述题目要求,可以用 complete the dialogue;AYou look worried What is wrong with youBI can not find my penADon*t worry Let me help youBThank youA Is this yours?BNo, mine is blackAHow about that oneBOh,it;初二英语补全对话篇1 AHello, Michael This is Kangkang speaking 1___?BIrsquod love to, but Irsquom afraid Irsquoll have to go to the libraryA2 ___?BI think Irsquoll。



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