

看看有没合适的吧这是英语朗诵的小说 A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple he grew One day英语稿子, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home;是不是觉得英语演讲很苦难,那是因为你没有好的稿子下面是英语稿子我为你整理的几篇,希望能帮到你哟篇一 I am Chinese I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind I#39ve learned。

英语演讲稿的格式从大的方面看,英语演讲词实际上是属于一种特殊的说明文或议论文,其基本组成部分是1开始时对听众的称呼语最常用的是Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用Fellow students, Distinguished guests;故事狗和狼A wolf was almost dead with hunger A housedog saw him, and asked, quotFriend, your irregular life will soon ruin you quotWhy don#39t you work steadily as I do, and get your food regul。


by the time I got the list, there were only two names left, so I just picked Joe instead of Jake And the other day, I told that story to my son, Jake我初到美国时,参加了英语培训课程我们。

高中生英语演讲稿1 As everyone knows,English is very important todayIt has been used everywhere in the worldIt has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade If we can spea。

英语课堂三分钟演讲稿 when i was seven, i started learning english i played games and sang english songs with other children sometimes, i watched english cartoons it#39s funny then i discovered the。

一篇简单的英语文章1 为生活而奋斗Strive for Life 生活就是要奋勇前进所以,为什么不好好地利用上帝赋予我们的能力,尽量变成一个最优秀的人呢英语稿子?生活接受面对奋斗,这就是真实的生活 Knowing that life truly is short and c。


Friendship is indispensable to people#39s life A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression Friendship is the mother of our psyche。


1、答 首先我们可以用中文写一个稿子,如下所示作为一名刚入学的大一学生,可以考虑参加学生会,首先这可以锻炼自己各方面的能力,比如说活动组织任务安排等能力其次可以结交到很多朋友,并在朋友身上学到很多优点最后。

2、life is like a colourful painting, when you find a line of the purest and the most harmourous colour, you realise whether it is a smile That is the purest, the most friendly and the most beautiful。

3、英语作文演讲稿格式1开头可以是Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon英语稿子! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech today my topic is “youth” I hope you will like it , and found。

4、If you let me sing a song,I will sing quotI love the motherlandquotIf I draw paintings,I will paint quotmy countryquotIf I make a poem,I will make a quotpraise of the motherlandquotNow,I#39m writingI would。

5、Reading Makes a Full Man 这是我参加演讲比赛写的稿子,你拿去看看有没有用Good morning, ladies and gentlemen英语稿子!For a long time, we have been accustomed to the convenience that hightechs bring。

6、The most successful person in my eyes的翻译是我眼中最成功的人,也就是这篇作文需要写一个最成功的人The most successful person in my eyes is my mother My mother obtained a bachelor#39s degree in her time。

标签: 英语稿子



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