

推荐报班阿卡索跟外教一对一学英语更有效果我的大学英语,轻松学到地道标准口语,分享跟外教免费学英语链接点击领取外教一对一免费试听课礼包我的大学英语我的大学英语的大学英语作文范文如下My CollegeThe college life is wonderful All life in;我的大学生活 青春对于我们青少年来说是一个美丽的词语,青春是我们一生中最值得回忆的时代我今年20岁,在一间大学上学我觉得学校的生活是开心的是充满喜悦的在校园里我交我的大学英语了很多的朋友,学校里的老师都很和善,我的大学英语他们。

篇一我的大学英语作文 When I was in high school, go to college ismy dream Now I realize my dream excited as I am, the first time I see mycollegeMy college is inside the biggest universityof;My plan for College life我的大学计划 I#39m extremely excited now ,In face of new envirenment of study and life ,I must make a good plan for it Study comes first so I should make new goal and improve。

我的大学计划英语作文带翻译如下First of all, study is still the most important thing in college I will choose my interest as my major in college, which would make me work harder on study I like;As to my college life, I divide it into four parts, including study, student activities, library and the others我们知道,很多人认为大学生活是自由舒适的,但我想说这不是真的事实上,我的大学生活是如此的忙碌,以至于我都。


My College Life I thought went to college was a hope to everyone , since when we was very small , but when I entered the school , I knew it isn#39t easy, but after twenty year#39s hard , today I;写作思路用简单的语言描写出大学的环境,然后写出自己对于大学的喜爱之情正文My university is full of trees, fragrant flowers and birds我的大学是绿树成荫,花香扑鼻,时不时还能听到鸟叫声What a pleasant campus。


the diversity of my university life Look! There is a rainbow! On the first day of my university life, when I walked into the campus, there was a rainbow bridging over the fountain, I hadn’t seen。

我的大学生活英语作文你可以结合你的大学的实际情情况 My university life is better than expected,It is universally acknowledged that when a freshman walk into a big, fascinating but plicated campus, what impresses him most。

我的大学生活短语 看你用在什么语境下 要是状语的话可以说 when i was in college 主语的话 time i spent in college 直接翻译有些别扭,建议给出语境 college university 一般来说,本质区别就是college是专业化的。

我的大学新生活可以描述一下校园的环境,遇到的人和事物以及自己上大学以后的初感受After entering the University, I really realized what the high school teacher said In college life, no one really interferes with。

我的大学生活非常精彩我6点半多就起床了,刷牙洗脸 早锻炼 8点开始一天的课程 我比较喜欢课程是英语 每天晚上八点半上床睡觉了 每个星期有2天的休息日,在周末的时候我会和朋友玩蓝球这就是我的大学生活。

I would find my lifestyle我很期待我的大学生活,我已经在脑海中想象过成千上万次了自由的生活方式多姿多彩的聚会总是在我的脑海中出现对校园生活的巨大期待使我对学习充满了热情经过两年的学习,我找到了自己的。


1、youth is a beautiful word to our teenagersyouth is the most memorable period of our lifenow,i am 20 years old and i am studying in XXX universityi found that the school life is happy and enjoyable。

2、我的大学 My College When I was in high school, go to college ismy dream Now I realize my dream excited as I am, the first time I see mycollege在高中的时候上大学就是我的梦想现在我实现了我的。

3、My college 我的大学 I have been to this college o years多少年你自己定 After I came here, I found out the college life is quite different to what I imaged Teachers don not like the teachers in。




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