

问题二前进英文怎么读 e on 我是字数 问题三“一路向前,前进”用英语怎么说 以下答案供你参考make one#39s way进行努力上进 feel one#39s way摸索向前走 顺便补充一下“一路向前”的相关表达1did not;From the 3rd middle school to the 1st middle school,you can go along the Zhongshan Road,turn left to Qinghua Road,keep going and turn right to Wenhua Roadthe 1st middle school locates at the crossroad;向前走,用英语是walk forward。

go straight, and then turn left。

walk on 向前走继续走 go forth 向前走动身,出发 make one#39s way 动身到某处去前进向前走,行进 Go straight along the road沿路向前走They walked on and on他们不停地向前走;您好,英语应该这么说Go straight ahead and you will see a bridge,Walk across the bridge and turn left to enter the park;Go straight ahead,China;向前走,不要回头不要留恋不要忘记伤痛不要放弃不要妄想不要沉沦用英语 Move forward, do not look back Do not yearn not forget the pain will not stop dreaming Do not give up the sink别回头英语怎么说;Go along the luxuriant along DaQiao street,turn left at post a good time for trip!4Let me tell you the road to the there a supermarket around here。

有一直向前走然后向左拐,就在前面英语是Yes Go straight ahead and turn left, it is right in front句子解释straight 英stre#618t 美stretadj 直的 连续的 直率的 整齐的adv。

quotGo ahead, when see a crossroads, turn right After two road, turn left and went to the cinema。


get there问题七“往前方直走向前走”,英语怎么说 初一课本里是go straight 英式英语里也可以说 go ahead满意请采纳 问题八人生往前看,路往前走!用英语怎么翻译 Look forward in life, go forward;英语中向前走是一个短语,翻译为go forward, walk forward 向前可以是一个副词,副词常跟东西连用,这个副词是forward;4向前走go ahead,读音英 #712ɡ#601#650 #601hed美 #712ɡo#650 #601hed5向左走To left walk,读音英 tu left w#596#720k美 tu left w#596#720。



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