

1、琼斯先生是个老师,他来自美国 Mr Jones is a teacher He comes from America。

2、迈克来自美国,他十三岁了,他在七年级二班学习在班里,有25个男生22个女生Mike comes from America, he is 13 years old, he is in class two, grade seven learning In class, there are 25 boys 22 girls注;词汇搭配 come from来自,是地方人 hear from收到的信,受到批评 keep from避开,阻止,克制,抑制 part from离开,向告别 例句 用作介词prep1He descended from a good family他出自名门2From what;she es from americawhere is her hometown?her hometown is americawhich countries does she e from?she is america,4,Where does she e from?she es from Americawhere is she from?she is from Americawhat;David is my new classmate, he comes from the United States He is 16yearold, can speak fluent Chinese and very good with each subject in school, a very kind person, friendly and also rather helpful;where does she come from?she comes from americawhere is her hometown?her hometown is americawhich countries does she come from?she is america;应该用 She is from America因为她是美国人,这是放在任何时候都不变的事实描述事实用一般现在时尤其是叙述一个人的生平,正是这种用法;Where#39s your friend from?He#39s from America;I have a good friendHis name is PeterHe comes from the USAHe can speak some Chinese and we are in the same classHe very likes playing basketballHe is good at basketball,of courseHe study very。

3、He comes from US but is living in China now希望我的回答能帮到您,望采纳;This is my friend Peter,he is from 13 years oldHis birthday is on 24th,Nov;When we ate cakes, we said “Happy birthday” to TomWe had a great time last night I never forget that night翻译这学期我有一个新同学他的名字是汤姆他来自美国他是瘦的,中等身材,他有卷曲的金发;来自美国用英语翻译From the United States 例句1indeed, they might have come from America#39s Democratic Party, or even from the oped pages of a respectable business daily实际上,这些提议或许是来自美国民主;他是外国人他来自美国所以他的英语特棒真羡慕他!除了英语,他最喜欢美术和体育了而且他学得很好在上学的时候,他常常去游泳和working而在星期六的时候他就开派对,在星期天的时候,他就习惯一个人在家看电视了哈哈!他挺。


5、They come from America或者 They are from the USA注 come from = be from, 一般用一般现在时看对你是否有帮助哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼*^__^*。




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