

英语祝贺信 篇1 Dear Wei Fang,I hear that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest of Middle School Students, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulationsYou don’t know how excited。

Dear name,I#39ve heared that you had entered the universityCongratulate you!Learning is toilsomeThough you may come up against many difficulties in the university,giving up is impermissible!I wish you would。


篇一英文祝贺信格式 Dear mr smith,Congratulations on your firm’s recent近来的 selection to design and print media advertisements for the beijing municipal government we learned of your success at our co。

Dear Jiang Jun,How is everything going?I#39m really glad to hear that you#39ve passed the Colleg Entrance Examinations and been admitted by a leading university in BeijingCongratulations for you! For you are。

呵呵,本人英文水平有限,在网上搜索了一下,找了一些认为有用的信息~希望对你有所帮助~祝贺信写好祝贺信letter of congratulations的关键是要及时一收到亲戚 朋友结婚生育晋升试验成功或著作出版等喜讯,就立即发。

祝贺你,我们都为您所取得的巨大成就感到骄傲i am so pleased and happy to hear that听到我真的非常高兴英语祝贺信模板句子 i write to congratulate you upon我写信来祝贺你i offer you my。


Dear Jack,Heartfelt congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate SchoolI have good reasons to feel proud of you I know the degree of master meant many years of assiduous study and hard work Now。


英语书信作文万能开头 1How is it going? 最近怎么样?2I am glad to receive your letter很高兴收到你的来信3You asked me about+problem question 等,now let me give you some advice你在来信中询。

高分急求一篇英语作文,内容是祝贺信,祝贺信1张明是你的高中同 Zhangming Congratulations to you ! I am glad to hear that you have performed brilliantly in the College Entrance Examination and successfully got the admi。




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