

1、Sunday,May 1st I got to school very earlyOur class took a special bus to Cuihua Mountain at 830We got off the busOur classmates were very excitedThe mountain is so beautiful We can see flowers郊游的英语;郊游是人们春天最喜欢的户外活动之一,能够很好的放松自己的心情,下面是我整理的郊游的 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助郊游的英语作文篇一 Sunday,May 1st I got to school very earlyOur class took a spec;郊游这个英语单词怎么写 outing 英#712a#650t#618#331 美#712a#650t#618#331n 远足,郊游,短途旅行 散步v 伸出 out的现在分词 揭露郊游用英语怎么说 excursion outing schoo;LiMing said he will take many apple and some orange juiceLi Mei said she will wear her new dresswe are all very happy!这个星期天我们班要去郊游,我们老师说让我们每个人自己准备水,水果,和一些吃的我们;同事们约好一起去野餐Lynn Ok Here we are 好,我们到了 Allen This is really a nice spot for picnics I#39m starving Let#39s eat right away 这真是野餐的好地方我饿极了,我们现在就吃饭吧。

2、郊游,到郊野休闲以散心健体那么关于郊游的 英语 作文 有哪些呢?下面是我推荐给大家的写郊游的英语作文,供大家参考写郊游的英语作文篇一 I remember quite clearly now when the story happened The autumn le;go hiking 是指去爬山,去郊游应该是go on a picnic;Hey, what about the outing?但是我对郊游不怎么热衷But I don#39t like those outings总是要求我为学校郊游付额外的钱I#39m always being asked to stump up extra cash for school outings我们郊游去Let#39;可以的,应该为outing;outing 英 #712a#650t#618#331 美 #712a#650t#618#331n远足,郊游,短途旅行散步 v伸出 out的现在分词揭露 希望能帮助到郊游的英语你。

3、郊游excursion 读音英 #618k#39sk#604#720#643#601n ek 美 #618k#39sk#605#658nn 偏移远足短程旅行郊游游览,游览团 例句 The excursion was the high spot of ou;就是outing,既标准,又简洁,这是名词动词是go outing ,译做“去郊游”望采纳;picnic的音标为英#712p#618kn#618k,美#712p#618kn#618kPicnic,英语词汇,意思是野餐郊游英语话剧”Picnic”野宴小镇上来了一个一文不名的青年哈尔,他来投靠他的大学同学同时也是;去郊游英语,是一个词组go outing go hiking例如If possible, I#39ll go outing如果可能的话,我将去郊游Weather permitting, we will go outing天气好的话,我们就去郊游Whether we will go outing tomorrow。


4、去郊游,是一件非常开心的事情,对于你来说,你有参加过学校的郊游吗?下面,是我为你整理的学校郊游七年级英语作文,希望对你有帮助!学校郊游七年级英语作文篇1 Last Sunday we had a school trip in a park On that;The Advantages of Travel Whenever a college student is asked, quotWhat are you going to do this summer vacation?quot The most probable answer might be quotI am going to have a travel quot It sounds that college;比较少用 school trip 来形容郊游来自分类排名第一的英语牛人团2他们的回答语法结构有问题如果你问的学校郊游是将来的,还没有发生的,应该这么问 When will be the school outingor trip如果你问的学校郊游是过去的。

标签: 郊游的英语


