


noisy adj嘈杂的喧闹的充满噪音的吵吵闹闹的 noise n噪音嘈杂声,喧闹声声音,声响杂音 当然用形容词 It#39s too noisy in the library=There is too much noise in the library。

主要看用的语境, It#39s too much noise outside 是常规用法,望采纳或者直接Much noisy ! 比较口语化。

noisy adj 嘈杂的喧闹的充满噪音的吵吵闹闹的 noise n 噪音嘈杂声,喧闹声声音,声响杂音 当然用形容词 It#39s too noisy in the library=There is too much noise in the library。


屋子里太吵闹,太吵了英语他需要安静其他 第三人称单数noises 复数noises 现在分词noising 过去式noised过去分词noised 问题七吵闹用英语怎么说 noise 英nz 美nz n噪音嘈杂声,喧闹声声音,声响。

房间太吵了It#39s too noisy in the room 你能把电视关小点吗Can you turn the TV down a little 连起来It#39s too noisy in the room,can you turn the TV down a little。

Could you please turn it down 太吵了英语?Itquots too loud我做过 初二的题目 也可以用 Would you mind turning it down太吵了英语?Itquots too loud我也是初二的 选我吧 这里的声音如果具体指那种声音,如music等等,那就把it改为其他。

吵闹的英语noisy,音标英 #712n#596#618zi美 #712n#596#618zi释义1adj嘈杂的喧闹的吵吵闹闹的充满噪音的 We spent an uncomfortable night in a noisy hotel我们在一家嘈杂的。

1 I was on the bus just now It was very noisy on the bus, so I didn#39t hear the cellphone ring2 I thought it was going to rain, but it turned out that there was no rain3 The weather。

In the night,it is so noisy that I can#39t fall asleep。


吵指声音杂乱,搅扰人吵嚷那么,你知道吵的英文是什么吗?吵的英文释义noisy to quarrel to make a noise to disturb by making a noise 吵的英文例句我不喜欢它因为很吵闹I didn#39t like it because it was。

吵闹指大声争吵声音杂乱如学生们正在大厅里吵闹得不可开交那么你知道吵闹用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧吵闹的英语说法1noisy 吵闹的英语说法2Brawl 吵闹的英语说法3wrangle 吵闹的相关 短语 吵闹地。

Sorry, is it my living downstairs that makes you unhappy?Sorry, is it my living downstairs that disturbs you ?Sorry, is it my living downstairs that makes you disturbed ?Sorry , is it my living downstairs。

Your Tv is too loud Can you turn down the volume , please。

标签: 太吵了英语



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