

1、“原创”Own creation这是我原创英语的原创~This is of my own creation。

2、“原创”在英文可以有两种说法1A creative work---统称“原创作品”2用“original”这个词原创英语,后面加上音乐剧本等等如An original play 原创剧本 An original music原创音乐。

3、同学您好原创Creation即兴是根本 许多雅思口语考官其实常建议考生不需要刻意准备题目,他们最希望的是考生能够随心所欲地与自己沟通确实,考官反感机械地记忆和回答,更不喜欢看到考生一边说话一边翻白眼考生在搜寻自己。


5、I helped my mom with housework My mom said I am a good boygirl In conclusion, I learned a lot in winter vacation That ‘s fun in the winter holiday原创英语! I will wait the next one!My dream E。

6、a letter to my parents Dear Mum and Dad I#39m writing to you in BeijingI#39m very happy to visit Beijing again To my surprise, great changes have taken place here recentlyToday I went to Wangfujing。

7、“原创手工”用英文来说是Original manual。


8、Sample 1 How to Study Effectively As students, we have to study almost every day However, how can we study effectively原创英语? Probably not everybody knows Have a look at the following graph and we may know。

9、If you can#39t be the sun be a starIt isn#39t by size that you win or you failBe the best of whatever you are!In the process of growing, there are both competition and cooperation Have you ever。

10、When studentsgraduate from college, many of them will face a big problemthe highunemployment rate Sometimes they may do not know how they can get a good jobWith the development of the science and。

11、求一篇英语作文,要原创,要按图片上的要求来写,60词左右 Trip is a good thing,and we can get along well with our families,We can know we love each otherDuring the trip we can play games ,swim fly。

12、How to prepare for an oral presentation It’s not an easy job to prepare for an interesting and useful oral presentation However, there are a few steps for you to do a good oral presentationThe first。

13、我不知道原创英语你的字数要求,先简单写吧如果字数不够或者太多,再追问我吧Dear XXX对方名字,I#39d love to congratulate you as you have got a wonderful job, which I heard is an assistant manager in a trading。


15、设计原创英文怎么说 问题一原创用英语怎么说?originaladj1起初的原来的2独创的新颖的3原版的原作的4最早的5首创的有独创性的6真迹的非复制的7原始的最初的8新鲜的有独到见解的9原作品的原件。

16、Insomnia The moon in the bureau mirror looks out a million miles and perhaps with pride, at herself,but she never, never smilesfar and away beyond sleep, or perhaps she#39s a daytime sleeperBy the。

标签: 原创英语



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