

用英语给老师写一封信如下 Dear Teacher写给英语老师的一封信英文,I write a letter to you I want to thank you for your help We all love you We think you are a good teacher We hope you still teach us next yearThank you。

用英语写给老师的一封信篇1 Dear Mr Wang We are so pleased that you are willing to share our views In the course of the general revision,What we need is solid foundation Methods are vital,so could you please in。

你好 Helle,my dear teacher,I am very sorry that I can write a composition in English,which makes you disappointedBut I will try my best to improve my EnglishI hope that you wiil forgive me。

给英语老师的一封信带翻译篇一 Dear Miss Zhu, 亲爱的周老师, How time flies! It has been a few years since I left high school, but I still remember you in my heart, because you’re the best teacher in my mind。



篇一 Dear Miss Brown,I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last two years During the days of being your student, I learn a lot Firstly, your serious attitude towards。

\x0d\x0a您是一位关心学生的好老师记得有一次,我班的一位同学由于身体不舒服,在课堂上有些头晕当消息传到您的耳中时您就叫那位学生扒在桌面上好好休息,给他一杯热水,还向他问寒问暖 \x0d\x0a还有。

翻译亲爱的老师 现在学高中的 英语感觉越来越吃力,觉得比中学的难多了,有点学不进去,但是我知道英语很重要,我还是会好好学的,还希望老师能够传授更好的学习方法,如能取得进步将对英语有更大的兴趣并感谢老师的教育。

敬爱的老师写信给您,我感到很荣幸我是XXX以前,我不是很喜欢学英语因为我不明白老师在课堂上到底讲什么东西实际上我想把英语学好,但是我失败了我不知道问题到底出在那里 是我自己的原因还是老师的教学方法。


