

对照译文我最喜欢的人英语作文我最喜欢的人是妈妈因为她很耐心我最喜欢的人英语作文,脾气也很好平常她很忙,但只要回到家就会帮我辅导功课,我遇到问题的时候,她总是很耐心认真地给我教,直到我完全学会为止Sometimes I would make mistakes or be tired;我最喜欢的人高中英语作文1 My eldersister is the person I love the most She is two years older than me We growup together, play together and share the same room In fact, we share all thethings。


1、释义所以我觉得她很棒我们都为她感到骄傲我们应该向她学习 英语作文我最喜欢的花 I like many flowers, but I like rose玫瑰 the best Why我最喜欢的人英语作文? Because it is beautful and has lots colour red, yellow, white。

2、正文Of all the people I know, mom is my favorite在我认识的人当中妈妈是我最喜欢的一个Mom, she has long black and beautiful hair妈妈她长着一头乌黑靓丽的长发I think black hair is very beautiful。

3、My Favourie Person Miss Hou is my English teacherHer English name is JennyShe looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her awayShe is not too tall,about 150cmShe is experiened of English teaching。


5、1 英语作文我最喜欢的一个人 一方法如下 第一段,开篇点题,直接指出我最喜欢人名,然后写明为什么喜欢这个人,一句话交代这个人取得的成就 第二段要对人物有个背景介绍出生日期和出生地等,接下来应在第二段用大篇幅介。

6、Who is your favourite person? I like Zhang Yining best She is a famous pingpong player Now I will tell you something about herZhang Yining was born on October 5, 1982 in Beijing When she was 6。

7、我的父亲 父亲人皆有之我的父亲中等身材,长得结实,一双锐利而富有友情的眼睛看上去很严肃乍一看,我最喜欢的人英语作文你还以为他是难以接近的人,实际上,他很体贴入微善解人意外表往往误导,所以,决不能以貌取人我相信我的。

8、Everyone has his own favourite personMy favourite person is my fatherMy father is a middleaged man but he is still handsome and strongHe likes reading so he is knowledgeableAnd when he was young,he。


If anyone ask me who is my favorite people? I would tell him my favorite person is my mother My mother is 45 years old But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young She is not to。

我最爱的人英语作文 篇1 Mothers love wins peoples praises for its selflessness In fact, fathers love is as great as that They bury their love in the deep bottom of their hearts and will never show。

我有一个喜欢的人,他的名字是杰克他很聪明,而且勇敢,是我的好伙伴当我们在一起时,我们总能玩得很开心他学习成绩非常好,但他从不骄傲,而是耐心指导我我很感激他,这位我最好的朋友,我喜欢他I have a。


写作思路首先把自己喜欢的人是谁写下来然后把自己喜欢她的理由写下来I love my mother most, because she is my mother and she loves me, too My mother cares good care of me Every morning, she gets。

she is never angry but askes me to study hard to be a good student So I love my mother best译文我最喜欢的人是我的妈妈她漂亮温柔,她很爱我她经常在我的作业上为我提供帮助当我生病的时候,她。



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