

1、1 关于减肥增肥英语的办法的英语句子 Apple diet eat2days apple then normal diet for 3 days, so several cycles, the effect of good苹果减肥方法吃2天苹果然后正常节制的饮食3天,这样几个周期循环,效果不错;一般来讲,减肥是lose weight, 增肥是gain weight体重反弹增肥英语我觉得应该是 weight return;回答高考英语重点词汇总结大全1oughtto应当,应该2keepupwith跟上,赶上3plentyof许多,大量的作定语4inplenty许多,丰富作状语5makeachoice做出选择6nowandthen偶尔,时而7prepareadish做一道菜8abalance;Though there are many people want to lose weight, I want to put on weight I am ten years old and my weight is about 20kg The children around me all treat me as the small sister I am already ten;Oh增肥英语! an easy to find it difficult to get fat。


2、第三,运动会消耗大量的能量,会提高你的食欲,所以,瘦子增肥增肌的过程中,应增加膳食的摄入量增加体重,就必须向机体提供合成组织所需要的各种营养素,膳食内容应丰富多样,不挑食,不偏食,饭菜要尽量做到美味可口;增加体重 put out 扑灭,关熄 基于105个网页 3 增加体重 09年高考英语向前冲必备短语 put on 穿戴上,上演,打开开关等put on weight 增加体重 put out 熄灭,生产;想要背好 英语 短语 ,做好英语短语的整理分类十分重要下面我为大家整理的字母p开头的英语短语,欢迎大家记忆背诵!p开头的英语短语per cubic metre 每立方米 perform a dance 表演舞蹈 personal affairs 私人事件;非常 very extraordinary unusual special extremely 非常 a lot of very awfully very much a lot of 大学英语词组 be lost on 对不起作用 a lot of 大量,许多非常 lots of 大量,许多 英语学习网;问题一“增肥”用英语怎么表达 gain fatweight, put on fatweight 问题二增肥用英语怎么说呢 Being fat Weightincreasing 问题三“增肥”英语怎么说 put on weight 问题四变胖增肥英语了 英文怎么说? get;Put On Weight Though there are many people want to lose weight, I want to put on weight I am ten years old and my weight is about 20kg The children around me all treat me as the small sister I。


4、接下来我给大家分享关于外研英语九年级下册知识,希望对大家有所帮助! 外研英语九年级下册知识1 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi 1 welcome back 欢迎回来 2 not bad 还不错 3 be full;如果你继续增肥的话,你最好咨询医生You#39d better consult a doctor,if you keep increasing weight用词组 keep doing sth;在Arabia世界,你越胖越好而在 Africa世界,你的头颈越长越好。

标签: 增肥英语



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