

1、一次野炊A Field TripOur class are going for a field trip on Sunday We are going to hike to the top of a mountain There野炊英语, we are going to have a picnic Many students are going to take some野炊英语;picnics在孩子们的心里,想到夏天就联想到野餐We also enjoy hiking and having picnics我们还喜欢健行和野餐Who had picnics by the seaside yesterday野炊英语?昨天我们在海边野炊野炊英语了We can have picnics我们可以野餐;My mother cook for us every morning When we go for a picnic,We usually carry some food with us。

2、老师要带我们去黄河外滩野炊,我们别提多高兴了老师给我们分好组,组长给我们分配了各自的任务,我被分在第一组,组长是赵世超我们盼望已久的时刻到了,老师带着我们,拿着大包小包的东西踏上了野炊之路这一路上我们;1 去野炊 2 去野餐 问题三去野餐的英语怎么写 英文原文go piicking go for a piic 英式音标g ?p?kn?kg f f? ? e? ?p?kn?k美式音标go ?p?kn?kgo;野炊的英语解释如下读音英音#716pa#618k#712n#618k,美音#712p#618kn#618k释义野炊是一种户外活动,通常指在户外地点通过准备好的食物享用餐点的活动,是一种既愉悦又受欢迎的方式;Today, we had a picnic We brought chopsticks, plates, slice and wok to the suburb Absolutely, we also had to take some foods ,oil, soy and seasoning to made foods more deliciousWe distributed jobs to;貌似应该是field吧,也就是学生实地考察,或者野炊的意思 好了,开始回答问题首先声明下面这些作文都是我辛辛苦苦找的建议是我自己写的 Start!1Our class are going for a field trip on Sunday We are going to。

3、去野餐,去野炊 短语 go out on a picnic 去野餐 go o on a picnic 去野餐 I go on a picnic 我去野餐 go on a school picnic 去学校野餐 We go on a picnic 我们去野餐 Let#39s Go on a Picnic 我们一起去;A picnicIt is a sunny day We deciding to have a picnic outside the city In the morning, we taking an early bus to Nanhui It is quite a colorful world There are green trees, orange leaves,red;周末野餐英语作文Weekend’s PicnicWe plan to have a picnic next weekend Firstly, we need to know how many people like to goBased on the number of people, we then buy the enough foods in advance;烧烤的英文是barbecue,既可以是动词,还可以作为名词解释为烤架,具体解释如下barbecue 英 #712bɑb#618kju 美 #712bɑrb#618kjun烤架户外烧烤 v烧烤 相关短语1Mongolian barbecue;Janet went to a picnic at the weekend ,along with her relatives Who came to visit herArriving the destination,she felt very excited as she met her high school classmate for a quite few yearsWhile they。


4、picnic 5piknikvinicked nicking去郊游, 去野餐 adj作为野餐用的 no picnic 口不是轻松的事;关于写去野炊的英语作文 A Field TripOur class are going for a field trip on Sunday We are going to hike to the top of a mountain There, we are going to have a picnic Many students are going to take some。

标签: 野炊英语



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