

1、写作思路可以写自己长大后想要成为一名老师,教书育人,培养祖国的花朵等等,避免语法使用的错误正文I have many ideals I want to work as a singer, stands on the stage sings for the people I want to;I will be a doctor when I grow upAs a doctor,I will help a lot of people if they are illIn the future,I will make more moneyI will buy a big house with a swimming pool for my parentsOf c;I am sure my dream can c ome true one dayBecause I believe a sayingquotNothing is impossible for a willing heartquotWhat about your dream?Tell us 2 when i grow up ,i #39m going to do want i want;I want to be a environmentalist when I grow up I want to help wild animals to have a better place to live To do that, I need to work hard in my study so that I can enter a good colleague to。

2、What are you planning to do in the future?更简洁地What are your future plans;是啊,等你获得一些工作 经验 以后,你就会更清楚你现在在做什么LisaExactly, I need to make a decision at once Time and tide wait for no man没错,我需要立刻做决定时间不等人嘛毕业后规划英语对话;What#39s the big idea?That#39s my beer you#39re drinking你想干什么?你在喝我的啤酒Oh,marvelous!When do you think you#39ll go?太好了!你想什么时候去?What do you want to do after class?你下课以后想干什么。

3、你打算明天做什么?的英文What are you going to do tomorrow?tomorrow 读法 英 t#601#39m#594r#601#650 美 t#601#39m#596ro1作名词的意思是明天未来 2作副词的意思是明天未来;在我小的时候,我想做一名老师我非常感谢我的老师,因为他交给我很多东西在我十岁生日那天,我爸爸问我“长大了想做什么啊quot我自豪地回答,quot 我想当老师!quot听我这么说,我爸爸非常高兴地对我说,quot努力吧你的梦想;你长大了想要做什么翻译成英语 What do you want to be after you grow up?毕业后想做什么英语对话 ASo, Fred, what are your plans for after graduation?那么,弗莱德,毕业后你有什么打算?BWell, I’ve。


4、The success rate of the students from Dance Dynamics upon graduation is incredibly high The students have learned selfdiscipline, commitment, loyalty and incredible organization They are accepted into wonderful;我未来想做的工作是做一名程序员,因为我对编程很感兴趣我现在学习的专业是软件工程,软件工程正是和计算机相关的专业虽然编程很枯燥很无聊,但是编程里面的乐趣是要慢慢去体会的当程序里面出现了bug,你花很长时间慢慢;长大以后想干什么50字 我十岁,长大做科学家,发明人不用吃饭,肚子饿了 ,就进入机器站一会,就不饿了,又精力充沛的去工作了 你长大之后想干什么,英语作文 What will you do when you grow up? 或者What are you going to do;你长大后想干什么?用英语翻译 翻译为 What are you going to do when you grow up 我记得初二时,这是一句课题希望我的回答可以帮到你 作文我的梦 写出自己长大后想干什么的愿望 在很久很久以前,我就听说过这样的一句话只。

5、What you want to be when you grow up This question and another similar question, #39Have you decided what you will do after you finish school? , were among the most common questions people often asked me;2 你长大以后想要做什么 英语作文 now,i am a studentbut when i grow up,i want to be a english teacher i like learning englishbecause i think english is a interesting subjectso i must study work and make pr。



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