

1、单词又不是你创有上进心的英语的看到都觉得眼瞎ambitious是野心勃勃的意思 positive是积极的有上进心的英语,乐观的,有上进心的意思 enthusiastic是热心的,有激情,有干劲的意思 zealous是积极的意思 motivate是有动力的意思 用positive就好;I would like to do a good job and improve their own quality, always selfmotivated in their work;Treat work earnestly actively,selfmotivated,team consciousness,willing to bear hardships and stand hard work;One of my roommates, Francis, is an aspiring actor有上进心的英语我的室友当中, 法兰西斯是非常有上进心的演员Responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive责任把这个惯坏的花花公子转变为一名有上进心的;有责任心,爱有上进心的英语我,疼我,懂得照顾我,关心我,包容我,成熟稳重,有上进心的人英文翻译Have a sense of responsibility, love me, hurt me, know how to take care of me, care for me, inclusive, mature, motivated。


2、When I was little, my parents and teachers already started teaching me to be a honest, kindhearted, and progressive person。

3、努力进取的英文strugglingexertivepositivehardworkingunremitting efforts1struggling 英 #x27str#652gl#618#331 美 #x27str#652gl#618#331adj奋斗的,努力的,苦斗的 O;1“上进心”的英文表达为upward mobility“责任感”的英文表达为sense of responsibility 2相关词汇1mobility 读音英 m#601#650#39b#618l#601t#618 美 mo#39b#618l#601ti。

4、ambitious 雄心勃勃的 aggressive 有闯劲的这个词有时候有贬义,但是在外企,老外领导经常会用这个词激励员工;2对于那些把在学校读书作为幌子,没有进取心的青少年,在赵先生眼中,只不过是现代的纨绔子弟而已3让自己在活动中,忘记自己的艰难的处境,保持一颗平常心,保持一颗进取心,勇做身患失眠意志坚强斗士4一个有进取;上进的英文make progressprogress,英文单词,名词动词,作名词时译为“进步,发展前进”,作动词时译为“前进,进步进行”基本用法1progress作名词的基本意思是“前进”,一般是指在空间中行进,用于抽象事物可作。

5、可以 aggressive adj 1好争斗的, 挑衅的, 侵略性的 The dogs are trained to be aggressive这些狗被训练得具有攻击性2有进取心的 An aggressive young executive一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员 3过分自信的;有上进心,团队合作意识强,为人正直,做事认真英语HeShe is a selfmotivated and honest person with strong spirit for teamwork, and works conscientiously in hisher job供参考;I#39m a man, diligent, earnest, careful, ambitious and cooperative;I am a very selfmotivated person, any things don#39t do it, doing is doing well Into the group, in addition to its long service for students, also can draw, draw lessons from and learn from other。



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