

现在用英语可以表示the moment, the present time如今用英语怎么说;如今 Nowadays now actually Nowadays people travel by plane如今人们乘飞机旅行Now, we borrow their trick如今我们借鉴他们如今用英语怎么说的做法today computers calculate the ephemerides如今计算机可以测算历书如今用英语怎么说;I have no choice but to give up now !事到如今,我不得不放弃之前没看清楚,翻译成上面这个了谢谢。

那条路二十年来都没有变过可如今,它已不再是旧时的样子英语That road did change in twenty years But nowadays it hasn’t been the same as the old onenowadays当今,现在;3目前现在 此刻,目前那么,如今用英语怎么说你知道目前的英语怎么说吗目前的英文释义at the present time currently for the moment these days presently moment 目前的英文例句目前生意萧条不振Business is slack just now目前的4;当前 英文before one facing one present current currently They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out他们说,当前的征兵体系应当逐步废除This may help to undermine the;如今的英文nowadaysnowthese daysthe moment,the present timenow的意思现在,目前,此刻从现在开始现在就,马上,就要到现在为止,迄今刚才,方才像这样,这一来用以引出后面的话改变口气加强语。


Today, the network provides more opportunities for friends, some people find true love through the network如今,网络提供了更多的交友机会,一些人通过网络找到了真爱Today, the network provides more opportunities for;munity 都是社会的意思 或者可以用 world 外面的世界 = the world outside 问题五“在当今时代”用英语怎么说 in modern times 问题六在当今社会用英语怎么说 the society nowadays 问题七现如今社会不断发展用;“到现在为止”用英语一共有九种表达方法1so far 释义迄今为止到目前为止 例句Atomic energy has been discovered for many years, but so far it has not been widely used inindustry or in our daily life;at present 目前,现在;如今私家车越来越多,交通越来越拥挤,空气污染越来越严重,所以我们提倡环保出行英文Nowadays,with the increase of the private cars,the traffic jam and the air pollution are more and more serious Therefore we。

目前现在 此刻,目前那么,你知道目前的英语怎么说吗如今用英语怎么说?目前的英文释义at the present time currently for the moment these days presently moment 目前的英文例句目前生意萧条不振Business is slack just now目前的;It#39s so fast that the three years of junior middle school came to an end,now I am going to the junior high school。

问题二当今社会用英语怎么说 the current society 问题三如今用英语怎么说 您好,翻译为 nowadays 希望帮助你 问题四当今备受关注用英语怎么说 sth got a lot of attention at presentrecently或 sthbe。

如今他对每一个人都很和善温暖,所到之处都在传播爱和快乐英语是Nowadays he is kind and warm to everyone, expressing love and happiness wherever he goes句子解释nowadays 英#712na#650#601de;英 na#650 美 na#650adv现在其时立刻改变话题或要对方做某事前,引起对方注意喂 adj现在的当今的现任的 n现在目前目前 conj由于既然 双语例句 1 他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了A。



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