

英国人的单词British英国英文简介,英国的单词Britainunited kingdom的意思大不列颠联合王国english的意思英语,英国的british的意思英国人重点词汇1Britain 英 #712br#618tn #160 美 #712br#英国英文简介;英文名称 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 简称 英国 所属洲 欧洲 首都 伦敦 主要城市 伦敦,曼彻斯特,利物浦等 国歌 天佑女王 国家代码 GBR 官方语言 英语 货币 英磅 时区 UTC+0。



1、The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandnote commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK or Britain is a sovereign state located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe The。

2、全称 The official name of the nation is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 Britain is one of the 15 member states of the European Union EU member。

3、Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart #201ireann低地蘇格兰语Unitit Kingdom o Great Britain an Norlin Airlann,简称联合王国英文United Kingdom或不列颠英文Britain2,通称英国。

4、1英文 British history began in Germanic and Celtic, and later in England, Wales and Scotland Its origin can be traced back to Roman ruleBritain is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern。

5、20121006 英国简介 503 20140303 关于英国的介绍 59 20071219 英国的简介中英文对照 196 20131123 英国简介 英文版 503 20070302 英国的简介! 4 20120828 伦敦简介 219 20101003 英国历史概。

6、英国的首都是伦敦,它是不列颠群岛上最大的城市,英国的首都,也是世界上的全球性城市之一Britain is one of the most influential and farreaching cultural development centers in the world英国是世界上最具影响力和影。


8、美国和英国建筑物英文简介 美国和英国建筑物英文简介 展开 4个回答 #热议# 国际油价为何突然跌破100美元大关英国英文简介?筱鸭娱乐 高能答主 20190727 · 电影电视剧小说综艺等等,都在这里! 筱鸭娱乐 采纳数106 获赞数。

9、The United Kingdomof Great Britain and Northern Ireland UK was created by a group of islands lying off the northwest coast of mainland EuropeFour different nations England, scotland, wales and Northern。


英国英文全称是The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland英国是位于西欧的一个岛国,是由大不列颠岛上英格兰苏格兰威尔士以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰共同组成的一个联邦制岛国英国被北海英吉利海峡。

大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,简称联合王国英文United Kingdom或不列颠英文Britain,通称英国,是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰苏格兰和威尔士,以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国中。

伦敦英文简介London, the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is the world#39s largest financial centre, and is also known as Newport Harbor with New York and Hong。

1The UK is the largest net exporter of financial services, with over 40% of its exports to the EU 46 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hereinafter referred to as UK英国是最。

Britain, the whole is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in ancient Britain is known as the quotday not fallquot empire is England, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland the United Kingdom。



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