

1、2改善医疗卫生 医疗卫生是生命和健康的保障改善医疗卫生需要政府投入更多资源提高生活质量英语,加强医疗卫生设施的建设提高生活质量英语,提高医务人员的技能和服务能力同时,通过医疗保险医药补贴等措施,还可减轻人民的医疗压力,提高人民生活质量3;With the development of the science and technology and the improvement of the living standard,people require more things towards the living standard。


2、怎么用英语说提高生活质量是用improve,en 提高生活质量 译improve life qualityenhance the quality of life 例句1工作总规划将涉及通过获取保健促进人类福祉控制流行病和提高生活质量It will be about promoting;1Provide more employment opportunities, and promote local economic development 2Improve the living environment and quality of life 3Since the influx of visitors caused traffic jams;With the development of science and technology in China in recent years, the people#39s living standards have changed dramatically, the quality of life have been improved greatlyFirst, we found that our housing。

3、1 promote work and study 2 be good for our health 3 keep a sense of humour 4 have wide interests and hobbies 5 be good to others请采纳,谢谢;随着经济的发展,我们的生活水平有提高生活质量英语了很大的提高翻译成英文是With the development of economy, our living standard has greatly improved1with的英式读法是w#618#240美式读法是w#618#240单词直接;with the impruving of the standard of living,along with 是金山词霸的机械翻译用impruving而不用impruving,是说明生活水平提高的过程。

4、vt 提高加强增加 过去式 enhanced 过去分词 enhanced 现在分词 enhancing Once you do it, you will definitely enhance your sex life只要你做到这些,你的性生活质量就会提高4 boost 英 bu#720st;9关节镜微创清理术可有效缓解OA症状,改善关节功能,提高生活质量10提高异步机的效率可降低其转差率,从而改善系统动态频率特性的结论11枸杞茶枸杞一年四季皆可服用,夏季宜泡茶,但以下午泡饮为佳,可以改善体质;Along with the increasingly wellbeing life,people are higher their requirement on living quality。

5、近义词 restrict 英 r#618#39str#618kt 美 r#618#39str#618ktvt 限制约束 例句In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties翻译政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税;1 Encourage physical activity Physical activity is essential for a healthy lifestyle Encourage students to participate in sports, dance, or other physical activities2 Promote healthy eating A balanced diet;人们的生活水平得到提高英语为People#39s living standards have improved词汇介绍一people 英 #712pipl 美 #712pip#601ln人民人,人类 二living 英 #712l#618v#618#331;用improve, promote一般用于职位提升一般强况下提高工作效率 raise working efficiency提高经济效益 increase economic efficiency improvement of economic results提高业务水平 heighten one#39s vocational level improve one#39。

6、除了例行事务外,日常生活还包括我们对自身身心健康的关注这可能包括锻炼身体保持良好的饮食习惯娱乐休闲等关注健康和精神状态对于保持积极的生活态度和提高生活质量至关重要总的来说,“daily life”是指我们每天所。



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