

1、diy的英语作文篇1 my view on DIY today the DIY is very popular with us 关于diy的英语作文,it is very new and fashionable关于diy的英语作文, in my opinion ,I believe it is very good thing, first , it can give you real experience in。

2、my view on DIY today the DIY is very popular with us ,it is very new and fashionable,in my opinion ,I believe it is very good thing,firstit can give you real experience in doing something or making。

3、they want to do things by themselves DIY is a good way to experience life, parents can make cakes with their children。

4、DIY is a good way to reduce cost when we make something, all in all , it is a very good thing and suitable for many youth。

5、my view on DIY today the DIY is very popular with us ,it is very new and fashionable, in my opinion ,I believe it is very good thing, first , it can give you real experience in doing something or。

6、DIY is a good way to reduce cost when we make something,all in all ,it is a very good thing and suitable for many youth翻译 关于diy的英语作文我对DIY的看法今天DIY很受我们欢迎,它很新很时尚,在我看来,我相信它是非常。

7、That made it impossible to realize quotChina dreamquot , with only 5 percent of rich,meanwhile,hundreds of millions people feel unfairAnd now in China,can you believe, it is the season of Light, it is the。

8、I am very interested in DIY I am Clever and good at drawing and painting Let me introduce my DIY Work It’s made from plastic bag and toilet paper。


9、I have a good friend , her name is Gina She is a girl She is 13 years oldShe is a student in Class 1 of No1 Middle School She studies very。

10、7 Smart steps for Painting Your House Interior Painting Tips How to Paint Your Walls Like a Pro Interior painting is by far the most popular doityourself home improvement activity,and it#39s easy to see。

11、I#39m obsessed with DIY,often in spacetime personally do something,sometimes you have to carefully read the instructions,last week,I think the bedroom monotone,and put it into yellow coating,mother asked me to。

12、yesterday, i visit a high–tech factory in Shanghai, a video is making from some thing that were popularin our life, the video was making for famous person, and they were very cheep, but some of them。

13、My Friend And DIY I have a best friend,hisher name is ×××In some ways,we are the sameBoth of us like sports,we always play sports togetherWe both like fruit and vegetables,we think they are。

14、I went to the senior high school one year ago, and got my first job from the English Club of the school association My job as an editor in our school’s initial newspaper started from then and。

15、I really had a busy and happy winter holidayI do my homework,and my help your parents do some housework,every dayi love sports and surfing the interneti also enjoy playing computer games During the。

16、关于圣诞节主题优秀英语作文1 Christmas Day is very popular around the world, when that day comes, we can see the Christmas products sell everywhere, though Christmas Day is not originating from China, in our country。

17、作文,重头戏 作文写的不好的人太多了,所以作文很容易拉下别人一大截,作对一道14分的阅读理解可能很难,但是英语作文想写的很好,写到100分以上还是可以的,甚至很容易的,当然也仅限于四六级考试,再次鄙视下 当然高分作文自然有高分。

18、2中秋节英语作文初中生 The Mid Autumn Festival is just a few days away Tonight, my other friends and I are going to make moon cakes with my mother! We will try to DIY delicious moon cakes by ourselves The。



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