

1、play a role发挥作用扮演一个角色 come into play开始活动开始起作用 play a part in参与起作用扮演角色 例句 1该国要在未来的发展中发挥作用的话发挥作用的英语,她就需要新的领导班子The country needs new leadership if发挥作用的英语;quotfull of courtesy, full of craftquot礼多必诈This article is full of authorities这篇文章很有说服力play是什么意思v 装扮戏弄参加同比赛玩打出发挥作用演奏播放扮演n 戏剧,剧本比赛玩耍;make a difference这里difference作“作用”讲;to take care of a little dogMy task is to feed it with some bones fresh vegetables and gave it a bathNow I can play a role in reality主题是星期日志愿帮助小狗,结尾是发挥作用的英语我能在现实生活中发挥作用;n 演员的角色作用,职责 复数 roles 词组短语 role of 的角色 play an important role 起到重要作用 leading role 主导作用主导地位 active role 积极任务活跃角色 play a role 发挥作用扮演一个。


2、在环境保护中发挥作用英语是Everyone should play a role in the environmental protectionplay a role in翻译成中文的意思是在起作用例句如下Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how;发挥作用的英语我能发挥作用 I can play a role I#39m AnnI#39m 13 years oldI come from NO1 Middle SchoolLast Sunday,I went to help a little dog from the Love and Care Centre for animalsI like animals very much;take advantage of take advantage of 1占人便宜欺骗某人乘之便利用 2利用,趁之机 make the best of 充分利用;play a partrole in起作用,在中扮演角色例句Words play a tremendous part role in your everyday life话语在人们的日常生活中起着重大作用例句Teachers play a part on their own volition as the;发挥作用的英语短语篇1 1 Competition between companies is too fierce for selfregulation to work公司间的竞争过于激烈,自我调节机制已无法发挥作用2 Finally, he could do no more, which is where Jacques。

3、中国在这件事上发挥了很大的作用用英语的说法是China has played a great role in this matter你用different是不对的,这个different是不同的意思,不是作用的意思;发挥重要作用的英语是play an important role例句He plays an important role in helping the people there翻译他在帮助那里的人方面发挥重要作用role的意思是作用,角色短语perform a role 扮演角色 role的。

4、play a role发挥作用有影响makeup编造for example例如takeseriously认真对待Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show发挥作用的英语?sitcom #39s#x026Atk#x0252m n情景喜剧 = situation comedynews nju#x02D0z n新闻消息soap s#x0259#x028Ap。

5、评析者的接受理解力独特感受力对文学作品的阐释起着至关重要的作用词语用法crucial的意思是“决定性的,关键性的,至关重要的”,多用于指那些令人恐惧或担忧的危机局势,暗示决定性或终结性的后果会随之而来crucial的;可用play an important role play a significant role play a central role is instrumentalcentral to但一楼提供的 act as the important role 有误导作用,第二个短语也错了。



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