

1、首先要服从命令安排关于校规的英语作文,听取他人建议关于校规的英语作文,做一个严格规范的学生其次维护校园安全,秩序以及良好的学习环境这要求我们从小事做起,最基本的严禁追逐打闹,严禁抽烟酗酒,以及各项日常行为规范英语翻译技巧第一省略翻译法 这与关于校规的英语作文;关于校规的英语作文6070字,带汉译 Like every country has lawsOur school also has school rulesStudents must get to school on timeThey should wear school uniforms on weekdaysThey shouldn#39t bring some thi。


2、以校规为主题的英语文章如下英文版School rules are not only the basis for a school to manage students, but also the reason for the longterm development of a school With school rules, we can make the;以下是三篇以my school rules为题的英语作文,供大家参考 第一篇英语作文 写作思路 介绍自己所在学校的规定和制度,重点描述其中的一些重要规定 正文 My School Rules My school has many rules to ensure that students。

3、校规英文作文 篇一学校的校规our school rules In our school,we have many rulesFor exampelwe have to wear uniforms every day And we aren#39t allowed to eat foods at school Then we also aren#39t allowed to take;Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we#39ll be educat关于校规的英语作文!The Law is1student can#39t say anyhing during the class,expect the teacher askyou some。

4、译文我们学校有很多校规,有助于我们的健康成长,但是有的校规对我们来说不太好例如,我们必须每天穿校服,我们不能迟到,我们必须完成作业做这些事情对我们来说是困难的因为我们每天做很多的作业和家务,非常累所以学校应该;Like every country has lawsOur school also has school rulesStudents must get to school on timeThey should wear school uniforms on weekdaysThey shouldn#39t bring some things to school,such as,dangerous;appear more harmonious今天,新的校规被校领导修改完成校规也被同学们认可我们被校规约束,有利于学校的秩序校规被我们记在心中,被我们认真执行老师也因为我们的听话而感到高兴校园被校规约束,显得更加和谐了;things to school, such as, dangerous knives, cell phones and so on They should respect each other and they shouldn#39t fight If they go to school by bikes, their bikes should have brakes and bells;3 关于校规的英语作文 I#39ve been studying in this new school for about a month There are many school rules Such as, we should wear school uniforms on weekdays We shouldn#39t be late for school If。

5、Every family has its own rules,there are eight house rules in my familyFirst, I must get up at six thirty in the morning, and I have to go to school;Besides, we must always be on time for schoolI think it#39s important for students to follow the school rules But we don#39tlike to wear school uniforms all the time Each of us is not the same and;校规 国有国法,家有家规,校有校规在我们的生活中也有各种规则,道路有交通规则,就连游戏也有规则,各种各样的规则约束着我们,让我们在各种环境下能井然有序地生活着有一次,刚放学,就听到有人喊道“风雨亭里有;there are many rules in our schools, and i hate them We have to wear uniform when you are at school And we must get up at 600 because of the morning exercise Also, we cannot have our own;1 初一下册校规和家规的英语作文 七描写各类规则的短文 1Hello, MaryWele to our class Here are our class rules You must read it carefully As a middle school student we can#39t arrive late for。



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