

to meet学校大门用英语怎么说, 在学校门口学校大门用英语怎么说,宜译为 at the school gate学校大门用英语怎么说, 学校学校大门用英语怎么说的门口应该是大门不能译为school door全句话英语是 I#x27m going to meet them at the school gate或者 I will meet them at the school gate。


Our departure time will be half past eight,the assembling place is at the school gate and the transportation method is on foot供参考。

门的英语door 读音英 d#596#720 美 d#596rn 门家,户门口通道 n Door人名英多尔 词组短语 1at the door 在门边 2open the door 开门 3next door 隔壁邻居 4。

校门的英文school gate例句1We are to meet at the school gate 学校大门用英语怎么说我们约定在校门口碰头2Oliver was a young lawyer, fresh from the schools, who had gone out to the deserts of nevada to begin。

What have you done? We picture iron in the wall near the door of the school。




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