

the first manned spacecraft Shenzhou V was sent into space successfully And the Chinese dream has come true神舟五号 长期以来神舟五号英语,中国人一直梦想进入太空1999年至2船2年间神舟五号英语,中国成功地发射神舟五号英语了三艘无人飞船2002年12。

神州五号Shenzhou V注意用罗马数字“V”表示“5”。

Chinese people have been dreaming of going into outer space ever since beforeChina had launched three unmanned spacecrafts successfully from 1999 to 2005 On Dec 31神舟五号英语, 2002 ,the launch of the fourth space。

一,飞向太空,英语fly in the space 二,去机场,英语go to the airport 三,168CM,英语one hundred and sixtyeight centimeters 四,神舟五号,英语Shenzhou spacecraft V 五,21小时,英语twentyone hours。

用five,第六用英文是sixth 按音标读,th神舟五号英语的发音θ要读出来,和s略有区别。



The Shenzhou five manned spacecraft quotShenzhouquot series of spacecraft in fifth vessels, China is the first launch of manned spacecraft It was launched in October 15, 2003 9, the astronaut Yang Liwei into sp。



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