

为大家整理我最喜欢的学科英语作文的初中英语作文范文我喜欢我最喜欢的学科英语作文的科目 My Favorite Subjects我最喜欢的学科英语作文,供大家参考I learn Chines, math, English, PE, Nature and other subjects in school Among them, my favorite subjects are English, PE and。


我最喜欢的科目英语作文中文译范文My favorite subject is English I like it very much and I am also good at it At first, I like it least Or even I am a little afraid of it However, I。

I love English and I will continue to learn it better英语是我最喜欢的学科,因为英语在世界上广泛使用,尤其是在义乌,一座有许多的外国人的城市更重要的是,我喜欢它是因为我的英语老师对我非常和蔼可亲为我最喜欢的学科英语作文了学好。

Yes, I like math best I like to read the numbers I think it can give me many happy When I do the math , I am very excited It is easy to finish it So it donesn’t spend me so much。

There are many subjects at school, and my favorite subject is Math学校里有很多学科,我最喜欢的是数学Many students think it is hard to learn Math well but I don#39t think so很多学生认为学好数学很难但是我。

英语作文我最喜爱的老师120词 My favourite teacher is my English teacher, her name is Mrs Zhang She#39s very pretty and very nice to us She has longshort hair and big brown eyes Not like other。



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