

发展性消费用英语是Developmental consumption例句we see the huge disparities between Brazil and Congo in population消费用英语怎么说, irrigated land area and the average water consumption per person从表格中消费用英语怎么说我们看到巴西和刚果在。

翻译如下理智消费 consume sensibly 例句只有转变消费观念消费用英语怎么说,才能进行理智消费,适应循环经济消费用英语怎么说的要求Only by changing our consumption ideas, can we consume sensibly to meet the needs of recycle economy。

问题二“消费”用英语怎么说 consumption consume consumption英k?n?s?mp?n美k?n?s?mpnn消费 肺病 耗尽 医学消耗性疾病复数consumptions consume英k?n?sjum美k?n?su。

“高消费”可以用“highend consumption”来表达这个词组中,“highend”表示高端高品质的意思,而“consumption”则表示消费因此,“highend consumption”可以理解为高品质高消费水平的一种消费方式在当今社会中。


消费用英语的说法是consumeconsume,英语单词,及物动词不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“消耗,消费使着迷挥霍”,作不及物动词时意为“耗尽consume例句如下I#39m sure that Chinese people consume the largest。

消费,英语是consumption消费水平,英语是level of consumption详细解释consumption 英k#x0259n#x02C8s#x028Cmp#x0283n 美k#x0259n#x02C8s#x028Cmp#x0283#x0259n n 消费 肺病 耗尽 医学 消耗性疾病 例句The laws have led to。

问题一“消费”用英语怎么说 consumption consume consumption英k?n?s?mp?n美k?n?s?mpnn消费 肺病 耗尽 医学消耗性疾病复数consumptions consume英k?n?sjum美k?n?su。

购物的英文shopping读音英#712#643#594p#618#331美#712#643ɑ#720p#618#331释义n 购物,买东西v 购物shop的ing形式例句The supermarket offers shopping。



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