

1、问题七英语以no 开头的禁止做什么怎么说 走人行道 pavement是人行道 please walk on the pavement 或Pedestrians use crossing 开头自己大写践踏草坪英语,呵呵,偷懒ing请勿践踏草坪keep off the grass 保持安静be quiet 禁止吃喝;请勿摘花是Don#39t pick up flowers,勿践踏草坪是Keep of the grass;Environmental Protection on Campus As we all know,environmental protection has been increasingly popular nowadaysSociety has put many policies into action to make improvements in the environment that we human beings。

2、这是我们的校园,我们有责任维持校园的整洁在公共场合吐痰是不好的,如图书馆和教室等每个人都应爱护草坪,不要践踏草坪我们不应随处乱扔垃圾不要在墙上到处涂鸦以免影响我们的校容我们应经常打扫卫生如果大家都尽力为;禁止通行Do not pass践踏草坪英语!与请勿践踏草坪!Keep off grass!Keep off lawn;Step off the grass!Keep off the grass;Werequestthevisitorsnottopicktheflowers希望对你有帮助如有疑问请在线交谈祝你考上理想的学校 问题三仅禁止摘花的英语单词禁止摘花 Noflowers 祝您生活愉快,望采纳问题四请勿摘花和践踏草坪英语怎么说请勿摘花是Don#39。

3、柔柔地,小草拂着裤管,春的气息那么真实地贴近肌肤有露珠停留,在叶尖坠坠不肯滑落不肯滑落的还有春天的色彩,明亮而轻快不敢太急,徐徐地移动脚步,印下一条清新的痕迹,象是春天不经意抹过一笔淡淡的油彩是怕;I like your smile, but unlike you put your shoes on my face” This is another way of saying “Keep off the grass参考译文1小草有生命,请脚下留情参考译文2请勿践踏草坪勿踩草地勿踏草地 参考。


4、Please keep off the grassPlease keep off the lawn, friendsMay you keep off the grass, please推荐,最温馨 人文关怀,标语宜亲和,忌粗暴命令式中国随时代潮流,已过了那种呵斥高压的语录体时代了此;Along with the popularity of television, advertising has become something that we have to deal with everyday Even if you don#39t watch TV, there are still hundreds of billboards that can not be ignored;Keep off the grass please!No trespassing!Don#39t step on the grass。

5、你好,很高兴为你解答Lawn 英 l#596#720n美 l#596#720n详细释义 lawnn草坪草地上等细棉布或麻布swardn草地草皮 greenswardn草坪草地 grassplot草坪 例句 1请勿践踏草坪Keep off;step on the grass, 不要踩踏草地 标准的公示语为 Keep off the grass。



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