

1、低头族的英语为phubber低头族headsdown tribe Smartphone Addicts smartphones addicts双语例句1跟人聊天时老忍不住看手机的人就被称为“低头族”People who can ’ t help checking their phones during;看手机英语Look at the phone1一辆车在我看手机的时候朝我按了喇叭A car honked at me when I was looking at my phone2如果你不能看手机时,是否感到焦虑或紧张Do you feel anxious or nervous if;good behavior It is better to drop down the cellphone and see the scenery around us年轻人低头看手机是很常见的情绪他们没有和别人进行真正的交流,这是不好的行为我们最好放下手机,看看周围美丽的风景;这些所谓的屏幕奴隶在回家途中及回家后都黏在他们的智能型手机前这可能会导致健康问题,例如在火车或沙发上使用手机可能造成背部和颈部疼痛更甚者,长时间看着屏幕可能造成视力问题In Taiwan, there was even a。

2、not a good behavior It is better to drop down the cellphone and see the scenery around us年轻人低头看手机是很常见的情绪他们没有和别人进行真正的交流,这是不好的行为我们放下手机,看看周围美丽的风景;Researchers found that cellphonesmdashparticularly the act of quotphubbingquot or phone snubbingmdashcould damage romantic relationships and make people depressed研究人员发现,手机,特别是人们低头看手机忽略周围的行为;We may see the scene everywhere in the life in subway,restaurants, elevators, roads, people are watching their mobile phones From family reunion to date with a friend, people couldn#39t stop checking their;2词典释义play cell phone,play with sbs mobile phone3双语例句他们什么也不做,只是低头玩手机They do nothing but bow to play mobile phones和朋友闲逛的时候不要玩手机You shouldnt play with your;As is seen by us all,the smart mobile phone has been playing an increasingly important role in our daytoday lifeIt has influenced us a lot,especially on our communication被我们所有人,智能手机已经在我们。

3、When crossing the street, bow family who are looking at mobile phone, which makes the incidence of traffic accidents is greatly increased 过马路时低头族们都在看手机,这使得交通事故的发生率大大增加 When crossing;天壤之别She looked down at her phone and checked her maps app to figure out which way to go 低头看手机,点开地图导航的日常操作的表达At the sound of her moring alarm, Judy sprang out of bed 一听到;Faced with this problem, I thought making a balance of our life is the key We should spend more time with our family and friends, and at the same time try to be selfcontrolled to avoid over。


4、A person at home, look up at the computer, looking down, quick collapse! Who is going to make me happy;如图所示,我们可以看到有人正在过马路,骑车,开车的他们没有仔细看路,却都盯着自己的手机并且用一根拐杖代替他们看路很明显,他们都着迷于手机,甚至忽视了自身安全我们从图画得知手机已经在人们的生活中越来越普遍手机;低头族英语是phubbersmartphone addicts低头族形容那些只顾低头看手机而冷落面前的亲友的人群,以年轻人为主phubbuer#39f#652b#602 低头族phubber=phone+snubber冷落他人者所以, 如果你身边有经常低;看手机的英语是quotlooking at the phonequot或者quotusing the phonequot1看手机已经成为现代人的一种生活方式,它带给我们无限方便和快乐但是,过量地使用手机,对健康产生不良影响,例如近视颈椎病等2如果想要改掉看手机的。



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