

A How is everything going B就业压力英语?B I#39m trying to find a job this month就业压力英语, but I still have#39t found any jobC Don#39t be upset B,I have been looking for a job since three month ago,and now I。



Public servants have a steady income and good welfare Moreover , they have chances of promotion as well as nice social status and respect。

In my opponion,there is some stress on taking up an occupation after colleges#39 graduation,but it#39s sitll necessary to attend a university。

1 Building selfconfidence Responsible for your actions discover your talents and pursue your goals and most importantly, have selfconfidence2 Use your strength to manage yourself If you can show your。

More and more people are losing their jobs lately ,most people blame it to the downsizing economyThe following are some reasons I think contribute to the phenominon besides the crisis of economy First,as。

with the serious situation of being employed increasing sharply , this kind of stress is becoming a problem not only educated students should face to but also high school students must think about 分段 As。



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